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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Vulcan: spoon bending by Romanos

The ability to bend metal by just using the power of the mind has fascinated people since the early 1970's when the Israeli psychic, Uri Geller, demonstrated his amazing abilities.

This download DVD teaches you how to bend metal, anywhere you choose, leaving your audience astonished by this fantastic paranormal experience.

You will learn an entire spoon bending routine involving interaction with spectators who will see spoons bend in their own hands! Romanos has been using this routine for a number of years; on stage, in close up situations and even on TV programmes. You will also learn...

★★★★ $17
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MP4 (video)

Billy Benbo
Trucchi Divertenti per Bimbi Intelligenti by Billy Benbo

"Finalmente!" Dirà qualcuno, "Finalmente!" Facciamo eco noi , si infine un libro sulla magia per bambini ! Ma l'attesa sarà ricompensata in quanto in questo libro Billy Benbo ( alias BilllLainsbury ) ci spiega nei dettagli ben 16 routines professionali di successo ( il meglio, possiamo dire) del suo repertorio!

Routines preziose per tutti coloro che si trovano a dover lavorare con i bambini ( cioè quasi tutti...). Ecco alcuni esempi delle routines ( molte delle quali dettagliatissime e tutte con una completa e divertentissima presentazione) che troverai in questo libro:


★★★★★ $10
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Arthur Setterington
Il Potere Della Persuasione by Arthur Setterington

P.D.P. (Potere Della Persuasione) è una conferenza/dimostrazione che usa semplici oggetti trasportabili in una ventiquattrore.

P.D.P. è un nuovo approccio al mentalismo che spazza via le ragnatele del passato – evitando il soprannaturale o il paranormale – e lo rende accettabile al pubblico moderno.

P.D.P. è basato sui fatti, non sulle possibilità o le probabilità. Le tecniche utilizzate sono moderne, educative, istruttive e, soprattutto, divertenti.

P.D.P. è una struttura all'interno della quale si possono includere gli effetti che già si possiedono. Qualunque cosa debba...

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Terri Rogers
More Secrets (Italian) by Terri Rogers

Il materiale descritto in questo volume è tutto di alta classe e di qualità superiore. TerriRogers era conosciuto come un esperto di topologia applicata alla prestigiazione. Diversi dei suoi giochi sono basati su inganni topologici ma non solo. Tutti gli affetti sono sorprendenti e molte volte con finali inaspettati. Gli effetti, tutti spiegati da accurati disegni, nei minimi particolari rendono questo libro un libro di cui difficilmente vi separerete trovando di sicuro qualcosa da inserire nel vostro repertorio sia che eseguiate Mentalismo, Micromagia, Cartoamgia, o magia da scena: c'è...

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Arthur Setterington
Il Potere Della Percezione by Arthur Setterington

"PERCEZIONISMO: il riconoscimento di segnali visivi o auditivi, trasmessi volontariamente o involontariamente, che rivelano tratti e idiosincrasie personali. L'interpretazione di questi segnali può essere usata in diversi modi dal ricevente"

Il nuovo modo di fare mentalismo di Arthur Setterington che ha un approccio totalmente diverso dal solito mentalismo che vediamo eseguire.

Un approccio fresco, nuovo e naturale. In una conferenza - dimostrazione in 8 fasi che costituiscono un numero completo facile da preparare e da eseguire e che terrà il vostro pubblico incollato alle poltrone...

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John Kenyon
Pollici in Alto by John Kenyon

Senza dubbio uno dei migliori libri scritti sul nostro amico Falso Pollice, routines professionali e la maggior parte inusuali e spiegate nei minimi dettagli . Splendidi disegni chiarificatori accompagnano il di per se gia chiaro testo.

Le routines sono affascinanti e di grosso impatto : ad esempio la routine "La spedizione magica" che usa un meraviglioso metodo con un modulo per raccomandate numerato per eseguire un effetto tipo " firmato, bruciato e ricomposto, da solo vale molto di più del costo del libro.


Eccovi l'indice


  • Capitolo...
★★★★★ $10
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Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Super-Light by Roberto Giobbi

Dies ist der dritte Teil in einer Serie von drei Bänden. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Super-Light hat keine besondere Gliederung sondern beschreibt eine Reihe von exzellenten Kunststücken.


  • Dankeschön!
  • Geleitwort
  • Die Spiegeleier des Paul Bocuse
  • Einsteins Kartentrick
  • Durch den...
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Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Extra-Light by Roberto Giobbi

Dies ist der zweite Teil in einer Serie von drei Bänden. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Extra-Light besteht aus vier Teilen. Wählen Sie ein Kunststück vom ersten Teil, eines vom zweiten Teil und eines vom dritten Teil um ein Programm zusammenzustellen. Der vierte Teil gibt eine Menge Hinweise zur Programmerstellung. ...

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Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Light by Roberto Giobbi

Dies ist der erste Teil in einer Serie von drei Bänden. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Light ist in sieben Routinen mit jeweils drei Kunststücken gegliedert.


  • Geleitwort
  • Die Vorführung von Selbstgängerkunststücken
  • Routine 1
    • T.N.T
    • Intuition
    • Der Telefontrick
  • Routine 2 ...
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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 45 (Jul 2012) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 8, No. 3, July 2012; 64 pages

Cover: Ian D. Montfort

  1. Welcome – editor’s letter
  2. Readers’ Letters
  3. Did You Know? - trivia
  4. In The News
  5. Florian Zimmer: Stylish & Sensational - interview
  6. In the Phone Box – Mark Leveridge interviews Chris Cox
  7. Street Wise: How to Succeed as a Street Performer – Mark Leveridge
  8. One-Liner Heaven! – jokes from Tim Vine & Gary Delaney
  9. The Rise of the Designer Deck: The Custom Cards Causing a Stir – Eoin Smith
  10. John Marshall: The King of Clubs - interview
  11. Ian D. Montfort: The World is not Enough! - cover article/interview by Graham Hey ...
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printed issue

Lift by Nefesch

"Well, I have to say this is one of the best and cleanest methods I have seen in a long time for gathering unknowable information. I WILL use this and will have a blast doing so. I must thank Nefesch for releasing this as it is absolutely impromptu, and gives me a tool to use when someone asks me to perform some mentalism on the spot. I am a magic creator who loves psychokinetic, fire, and obviously supernatural looking effects, and this will join the ranks of those illusions. The spectator will feel it is absolutely impossible. That launches it into the realm of the supernatural...therefore...

★★★★ $22
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MP4 (video)

Dave Arch
Mind Game by Dave Arch

Honed in 100's of performances, this routine brings together the excitement and suspense of a Game Show with questions, prizes and mystery. It packs a full ten minutes of fun with audience participation and customization possibilities once you know the principles and routining that make this an award winning routine for any family audience.

1st edition 1990, 1st digital edition 2012, 6 pages

★★★★★ $10
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Dave Arch
One Man Circus Sideshow by Dave Arch

Here is a manuscript obviously born out of Dave Arch's fascination with the Circus Sideshow genre. He has collected twenty sideshow attractions that he has presented from pure bluff to minimum skill, commissioned an artist to create a poster for each act and assembled it all into a 30 page manuscript. The attractions in this manuscript can be performed in a stand alone show by itself or inserted into your current show as an example of a bygone era when P.T. Barnum ruled the entertainment world.

1st edition 2012, 31 pages.

★★★★ $15
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John Gelasi
4 Nearly Self-Working Card Tricks by John Gelasi

Four strong card effects with little or no sleight of hand that practically work themselves. These are not the self working effects you learn from books from a public library; these are all strong, workable, crowd-pleasers!

"I will be using something from this booklet!" - Paul Hallas

"A great ebook, John!" - Kyle MacNeill

"All of these are good for audience involvement and there's lots of impossible magical stuff going on, it's a fun book." - fonda57 (Magic Café user)

"Overall, this is a nicely produced booklet with links to private Youtube performances which is a great service." - Felix Schellenberg

Effects included: ...

★★★★ $10
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Shawn Evans
Prestige Pen Projects by Shawn Evans

We humans have a long history of using writing instruments to record and transfer our thoughts and impressions. We magicians have a long history of gimmicking writing instruments to deceive thoughts and create magical impressions.

This ebook is a combination Do-It-Yourself and Magic Effects ebook, containing 9 major DIY projects and 7 full working routines, plus a host of other tricks.

Learn how to make 3 types of flash pens, a flameless, smoke loading pen, a PSI pen, multiple-purpose pens, novel uses of off-the-shelf pens and mentalist utility pens. No knowledge of electronics needed...

★★★★★ $42.92
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Paul Voodini
Cold Reading Lecture 2012 by Paul Voodini

In March of 2012, Paul Voodini was employed to give a 2 hour lecture on cold reading to the drama department of one of England's finest universities. The head of the drama department was perhaps hoping for an explanation of cold reading followed by the usual debunking of psychics as frauds who employ nothing but 'cold reading'. This, however, is not the lecture the university received!

While explaining in great detail what cold reading actually is (because, as you'll be aware, there is a lot of misinformation out there), Paul also went on to tackle the subject of genuine intuition. Perhaps...

★★★★★ $7.50
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Kyle MacNeill
Card Shark Issue 8 by Kyle MacNeill

Welcome to Issue 8 of Card Shark, the highly anticipated monthly card magazine that contains awesome tricks from magicians around the world. This issue contains five great tricks, which will feed your card magic needs.

We have tricks from Peter Duffie, Cameron Francis, Shaun McCree, John Gelasi and Kyle MacNeill all for only $2.80! A really awesome issue for those that love commercial card magic. So go grab a deck of cards, hit buy and enjoy working your way through five great card effects…

  1. Home Spun Psychology by Shaun McCree – An awesome combination of mind reading and magic, ending...
★★★★★ $2.80
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Vittorio Versailles
Natural Scam by Vittorio Versailles

Natural Scam, by Vittorio Versailles, is an ACAAN effect based on Tommaso (Tommy) Guglielmi's famous Subtle Scam.

Natural Scam represents a significant change to the workings of its predecessor, and will be of great interest to all those interested in the ACAAN plot.

What the new changes do best is they allow you to perform this ACAAN routine in a way that is so completely natural that members of your audience will think they just witnessed a miracle.

Natural Scam is completely impromptu, totally hands off, requires no prior set-up, and it is 100% natural.

Is this the holy grail? You will have to find out for yourself! ...

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Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
The Blueprint: all volumes by Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor

Originally launched as "Australia's Only Sleight Of Hand Monthly" and published between 1974 and 1982, The Blueprint still retains that claim today. Editors Barry Govan, Ian Baxter, Murray Cooper and Gerry McCreanor churned out a much-discussed journal that featured contributions from the likes of Ed Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer, Tom Gagnon, Dan Tong, Ray Grismer, Phil Goldstein, Jeff Busby, Jerry Mentzer, Harry Lorayne, et al. For the Close Up performer, absolutely certain to please.

The Blueprint was started by Barry Govan and Ian Baxter and taken over for the last two volumes by Murray Cooper and Gerry McCreanor. It ran from July 1974 to April 1981,...

★★★★★ $40
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Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
The Blueprint Volume 7 by Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
  1. Volume 7, Number 1, July, 1980, 4 pages - Phil Goldstein Special Issue
  2. Red Uprising - Phil Goldstein
  3. Newsworthy - Phil Goldstein
  4. Split Octet - Phil Goldstein
  5. The Blueroom - editorial comments

  1. Volume 7, Number 2, August, 1980, 6 pages
  2. The Mysterious Cross of India - Daryl
  3. Think Ace - Ray Grismer
  4. Blueprint In Print - Murray Cooper reviews:
    • Ray Grismer's "Shorty"
    • Ray Grismer's "Handy"
    • Ray Grismer's "Thirty"
    • Ray Grismer's "Loopy"
    • Ray Grismer's "Shorty"
    • Ray Grismer's "Charts" lecture notes
  5. Blueprint Review - Murray Cooper reviews:
    • Phil Goldstein's...
★★★★★ $9
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Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
The Blueprint Volume 6 by Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
  1. Volume 6, Number 1, July, 1979, 4 pages
  2. Impossible Coin to Pocket - Bob Chesbro
  3. Blueprint In Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
  4. Crooked Dice - continued
  5. The Blueroom - editorial comments

  1. Volume 6, Number 2, August, 1979, 4 pages
  2. Hocus Focus - Barry Govan
  3. Crooked Dice - continued
  4. Blueprint In Print - reviews:
    • Gerard Majax's "Secrets of the Card Sharps"
    • Jerry Mentzer's "Card Cavalcade Finale"
  5. The Blueroom - editorial comments

  1. Volume 6, Number 3, September, 1979, 4 pages
  2. Flip - Errol Robinson
  3. Marlo Plus
  4. Blueprint In Print - Murray Cooper...
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Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
The Blueprint Volume 5 by Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor

An Australian sleight of hand monthly magazine
Barry Govan & Ian Baxter, editors through Issue Number 5
Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor, new editors starting with Issue Number 6; 47 pages in Volume 5

  1. Volume 5, Number 1, July, 1978, 4 pages
  2. The Cardsharps Apprentice - Barry Govan
  3. Patter for ... The Cardsharps Apprentice
  4. Blueprint In Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
    • Paul Harris' "Supermagic"
  5. The Blueroom - editorial comments

  1. Volume 5, Number 2, August, 1978, 4 pages
  2. Control Ace Transpo - Derek Martin
  3. Blueprint In Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
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Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
The Blueprint Volume 4 by Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor

An Australian sleight of hand monthly magazine
Barry Govan & Ian Baxter, editors; 52 pages in Volume 4

  1. Volume 4, Number 1, July, 1977, 5 pages - cover has drawing of Lou Costello and Boris Karloff
  2. The Blueroom - editorial comments
  3. Variations on a Theme - Extracting a deck of cards from it's case - Murray Cooper & Ian Baxter
  4. One on the Way Down Cut - Tom Gagnon (USA)
  5. Blueprint In-Print - reviews:
    • Ronnay's "Cardorama" packet trick
    • Ronnay's "Multi Colour Card Change Climax" packet trick
  6. Double Impact in Red and Blue - Franz Rosensteiner (Magic Ronnay) (Austria)
  7. cartoon ...
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Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor
The Blueprint Volume 3 by Barry Govan & Ian Baxter & Murray Cooper & Gerry McCreanor

An Australian sleight of hand monthly magazine
Barry Govan & Ian Baxter, editors; 52 pages in Volume 3

  1. Volume 3, Number 1, July, 1976, 4 pages - cover has drawing of a monster with cards
  2. The Blueroom - editorial comments
  3. Coin Sandwich - Barry Govan
  4. Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
    • "The Complete Mike Rogers"
  5. The Dice of Zohar - Tom Gagnon (USA)

  1. Volume 3, Number 2, August, 1976, 4 pages - no cover
  2. The Blueroom - editorial comments
  3. The E.R. Thimble Routine - Errol Robinson, described by Murray Cooper
  4. Blueprint In-Print - reviews:
    • James B. Alfredson...
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