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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Aldo Colombini
Il Cane Ammaestrato by Aldo Colombini

Qualche semplice palloncino per modellare animali e un mazzo di carte ti premettono di presentare al tuo pubblico una divertente e intrigante routine in cui un palloncino “recita” la parte di un cane ammaestrato.

Il “cane” compie una serie di evoluzioni e di divertentissimi equilibrismi ed infine trova la carta scelta dallo spettatore. Il tutto condito da una serie di gags. Intrattenimento puro per il tuo pubblico…proprio quello che si richiede all’Artista di oggi.

Prima edizione digitale di questo ormai introvabile volumetto.

9 pagine con molti chiari disegni B/N.

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Aldo Colombini
Odissea by Aldo Colombini

3 belle routines che hanno in comune gli stessi oggetti: carte e monete.

La prima routine che fa la parte del leone e da il titolo all' opera è una versione dei "bussolotti " in ben nove fasi eseguita con le carte come "tazze" e le monete come "palline".

L'artista mostra tre carte. Una moneta appare tra due carte e compie numerose 'evoluzioni', penetrazioni, passaggi, etc. Alla fine due monete più grandi appaiono sotto alle carte! Facile da eseguire!



EFFETTO: Una moneta e coperta con una carta. Tre monete, in una scatola, passano, una dopo 1'altra, sotto alla...

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Aldo Colombini
Sulle Corde by Aldo Colombini

Questa dispensa è dedicata, come si evince dal titolo, esclusivamente a stupende routines con le corde. Circa 40 pagine, 84 splendidi disegni, 9 routines!

Sicuramente Aldo Colombini è uno dei maggiori esperti in campo mondiale dei giochi con le corde.In questa dispensa illustrata con maestria da Tony Dunn, e contenente anche alcune routines di Ronald Dayton, Aldo ci illustra con la solita pignoleria e dovizia di particolari, 9 bellissime routines.

Eccovene alcune:

Tubuloso: Il prestigiatore taglia una corda in due pezzi distinti e poi li lega insieme con un nodo. Egli posiziona...

★★★★ $10
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Eric C. Lewis
Eric Lewis' Rope Routine by Eric C. Lewis

This is the famous perfected rope routine - three consecutive cuts and restorations - devised by that West Coast Magician, Eric Lewis. Mr. Lewis was one of the busiest magicians in England before he moved to Los Angeles. There he has been very busy editing the Bamberg books of magic, working at the Magic Castle and doing lectures. The Triple Cut Rope Routine uses a number of original and unorthodox moves that end up in a very smooth and convincing trick. A big hit in the Magic Castle and on lecture tours, where Eric has shown it to the most sophisticated and best informed of the magicians. ...

★★★★ $9.95
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Gerard Zitta
Janus V3 by Gerard Zitta

A practical and easy two-way out system.

Janus V3 is a very simple and practical two-way out system. It is impromptu and everything is examinable before and after. It allows you to leave your business card.

To describe it, we can compare it to another system by Scott Guinn called Assertive positive/negative.

  • The reader must also know another principle by Max Maven (in Videomind Volume 2) but the method and presentation are completely different.
  • It also uses business cards (or jumbo cardboard cards).
  • It can be done anytime with no setup. It is impromptu if you have a 'little something' with you (It is not a gimmick, it...
★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 3 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • THE FRENCH CARD TRAP: Here is a non-sleight-of-hand method of locating up to twelve selected cards.
  • 4TUITOUS: A principle that can be used as a simple prediction in its own right, or as a number force in another effect.
  • AS EASY AS COUNTING: A freely selected card is revealed in a very humorous way.
  • GO WEST: Another funny and very interesting way to reveal a card with messages written on face cards. Just follow them. (For an exploration of this...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 2 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DIAMOND SPELLER: The thirteen cards of Diamonds are used to reveal a freely selected card.
  • FREE CUT DUO: Two spectators pick a card each and lose them in a packet of cards. You reveal these cards.
  • FETCH + HOFZINSER: A spectator cuts any amount of cards and selects two cards. The sum of these two cards corresponds to the number of cards cut by the first spectator.
  • CAUGHT TOGETHER, HANGED TOGETHER: One card is selected. Two Jacks capture four cards...
★★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 1 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • FLIPDOODLE 1: You use the twelve face cards to produce an astonishing result that finds three of the same suit.
  • I'M NOT OGEN: A spectator 'makes up a card combining any two cards. You spell the name of that card and you find it. Finally, you find the other three cards of the same value.
  • CHEERS!: You show seven cards with name of drinks on them and a prediction. A spectator selects a drink and you show that the prediction is correct… with a laugh. ...
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MP4 (video)

Terri Rogers
Word of Mind by Terri Rogers

A spectator is handed a theatrical review sheet and is asked to choose one of the hundreds of words that make up the various articles. There is no restriction of choice and the word is not written down. It is merely thought of by the spectator.

When the spectator is ready the mentalist begins to concentrate and slowly, letter by letter, reveals the mentally chosen word. It is that direct. A spectator things of a word and you reveal it. The spectator can choose a different word and you can repeat the effect right away.

Simple to learn, simple to perform, devastating in effect. What more...

★★★★ $10
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Terri Rogers
Wipe Out: seven remarkable tricks using wipe off pens by Terri Rogers

These are all effects which use wipe-off or white-board pens. Terri Rogers uses the Velleda brand, but there are others you can use. She also uses two types of Velleda films, one white and the other transparent.

[30 years after this booklet has been published we have a lot more pens available. While not wipe-off pens some of these effects can be adopted to the popular Frixion pens which can be erased by heat.]


  • Tips, Warnings
  • Coverings
  • Preparation
  • Wiping Off


  • My Choice
  • Bunny Munny
  • A Word in the Hand
  • The Lady's not for Turning
  • X-actly
  • Charge Card
  • Demon

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 23 pages....

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Stanton Carlisle
Puppetrix Supreme by Stanton Carlisle

From the introduction by Edwin Hooper:

Stanton Carlisle is well-known for his many articles on mentalism which have appeared in The Magigram Magazine. Stanton is more than a mentalist, being a general all-round magical performer who has played practically every type of engagement - not only with mentalism but with magic, ranging from sophisticated Night Club dates to children's parties. At these parties, puppets have played their part.

We are delighted that Stanton has released some of his very excellent routines and bits of business for those children's entertainers who are thinking of adding a puppet or puppets to their...

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Aldo Colombini
Cartoni Magici by Aldo Colombini

Spettacolo Magico - Grafico per Bambini

Un intero numero che coinvolge il pubblico infantile, facile da preparare, eseguire e trasportare . Pochi fogli dei pezzi di cartone, un pennarello e alcuni articoli magici che forse si trovano in fondo al tuo cassetto inutilizzati da tempo per dare vita ad un bellissimo spettacolo , ricco e colorato.

Dall' Introduzione: "Mi sono sempre piaciute le vignette dei cartoni animati, ma ho provato ad introdurre degli effetti magici e delle gag nello spettacolo invece che dei semplici disegni...

...Ciò che segue è un numero adatto a spettacoli per...

★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Adesso Cosa Dico? by Aldo Colombini


Aldo Colombini introduce questa pubblicazione così: "Questo nuovo libretto ... ... affronta nuove (e vecchie) occasioni nelle quali hai bisogno di 'coprire' incidenti inaspettati e hai la necessità di una battuta pronta e sagace, trasformando questi spiacevoli inconvenienti in momenti di ilarità, dando prova di essere un intrattenitore esperto."

Si quante volte durante le nostre esibizioni accade un inconveniente, una distrazione un interruzione. Sorge spontanea la domanda del titolo...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Carte Barocche by Aldo Colombini

27 buoni motivi per avere questo ebook

Eccoti gli effetti dei giochi che trovi spiegati in questo libro

Fuga : Tre carte vengono scelte e posizionate sul tavolo e vengono rivelate da tre Jokers (che agiscono come… spie!). Alla fine, le carte scambiano posto con i Jokers e vengono trovate in posti differenti!

Aria : Due carte vengono selezionate e poi rimesse nel mazzo. Un altro spettatore prende due carte qualsiasi e queste vengono mostrate agli spettatori che hanno selezionato le prime due carte. All’inizio essi non vedranno le loro carte, poi le vedranno in una serie di “ora...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
That's It by Aldo Colombini

Ten stunning packet tricks.


  • THANKS TO WALTON (Cameron Francis): Great packet trick! Four black spot cards and four red spot cards. You switch out the red cards for the black ones, but you always have red cards. The other four cards are now the four Aces.
  • CHAMPAGNE (Aldo Colombini): Cards change around; assemble in order in one pile; some changing color as well.
  • DEATH ROW (Karl Fulves): A spectator picks a card and it is the only missing card to make a royal flush.
  • THE MARTIAN (Aldo Colombini): Four astronauts (Jokers) come back from Mars and they change into blue except for one. When shown again, it...
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MP4 (video)

Peter D. Harrison
Moments: close-up magic with cards and coins by Peter D. Harrison

18 close-up card and coin effects plus extras taught. Over 145 pages of in-depth instructions with colour photographs. First in a series of new ebooks.

Some praise for effects included in Moments:

"Peter is the real deal. Buy everything this man sells!" – Justin Miller

"All I can say is Wow!"Cameron Francis

"Not that I need say it but this is GENIUS!! Thank you Peter!!" – Ben Williams

"A must have! Amazing!"Alan Rorrison

"BUY THIS! Very clever…" – Cody S Fisher

"Peter is a creator who totally gets it. Doesn't get any better than this."Josh Zandman


Catalyst Got Your Tongue?...

★★★★★ $15
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Jean Fare
Card Tricks French Style by Jean Fare

As a purser for a French airline flying from his home base in Tahiti, to Sydney to Los Angeles, our author, Jean Fare, keeps up on everything in card and close up magic. He gets to the Magic Castle just often enough to keep from missing anything. Several times a year he uses his airline privileges to get back to Paris to make sure "French Style" in magic is moving right ahead.

You will enjoy Jean's ebook. He has carefully described his own handling on a number of excellent tricks. They include:

  • Thru
  • New Bland Thought Handling
  • Variation of a Palm
  • Logical Sandwich
  • Delayed Jump
  • Cased...
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Tom Batchelor
Canadian Card Control by Tom Batchelor

Canada has many great magicians and Tom Batchelor, the Card Artist, is one of the leading constructive card men among them.

He calls this, "An investigation into card controls, locations, discoveries, revelations."

Contents include:

  • Unfinished Shuffle Control
  • Fan Control
  • Slip Cut Control Pass
  • Glimpse of a Peek
  • Fan Shot
  • Transfer Force
  • The Search
  • Turnover Surprise
  • It's About Time
  • Second Discovery of America
  • The Card Prayer
  • On the Cut
  • Card Finders
  • The Shakedown
  • Revolving Revelation
  • Without a Shuffle
  • Cut of Deal
  • Folded Card
  • Strangers in our Midst
  • Thru Thick and Thin ...
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Mark Stone
Coin Ditcher Gimmick: for vanishing coins by Mark Stone

Based on an old concept that has been seriously rethought to create a simple and practical device; it allows for complete vanishing of coin gaffs and regular coins of any size up to jumbo 3" coins.

  • Coins can be made to reappear after being vanished.
  • No jacket, cummerbund or long-sleeved shirt is required.
  • The Coin Ditcher is made using readily available, low-cost materials. It requires light metal cutting using a hacksaw or angle grinder. Once made it should last a lifetime.
  • Includes 71 pages of easy-to-follow, step-by-step crystal clear photos and instructions on how to make and correctly...
★★★★ $15
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Gerard Zitta
Love Mysteries by Gerard Zitta

A selection of lovely effects for weddings, Valentine's day, couples, etc. that will open hearts and doors...Most of them are impromptu.

Valentine day
A two phase 10' routine where two cards, randomly chosen face down at the beginning, will help to find two other cards. Each phase can be played independently.

ACAAN for couples
A perfect ACAAN for couples. Impromptu.

Men desiring women
This is Gerard's version of a classic spelling effect (impromptu), based on a mathematical principle. He will also reveal how to personalize it with your own words ...

Nice to meet you
A nice way...

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Terri Rogers
Star Gate by Terri Rogers

An incredible effect based on a topological principle. Two cards are shown glued back to back. The spectator may examine them as there is nothing to find.

The performer takes the cards, gives them a few deft folds and then hands them back to the spectator ... but now the cards are face to face. It looks impossible because the cards are still glued together. What's more, they are the same cards that the spectator handled earlier. There is no switch of any kind.

You won't believe it yourself the first time you perform it.

[Note: Originally this booklet was supplied with a Jumbo cards already prepared and glued together. This ebook comes without a set of glued cards. However, the ebook has clear explanation of the construction. You can prepare a set from regular cards with a knife and tape in a few minutes.

1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.

[Below is a demonstration where the two cards are oriented in the same direction and not 90 degree rotated like Terri has originally designed it. The advantage of a 90 degree offset is that the card that is folded can at one time be seen partly from the front and partly from the back which is a very magical moment. This moment is missing from this version.]


★★★ $7
more than one
type to choose



Terri Rogers
Boromian Link by Terri Rogers

This booklet details Terri Rogers' Boromian Link an incredible linking card effect based on Paul Harris' Immaculate Connection. The Harris original is a great impromptu effect but if you are not working impromptu and can use your own cards then you'll find Terri Rogers' method even better. The linking effect looks excellent and in fact fools those familiar with the Harris original. The effect can be performed with any size cards and looks quite spectacular if done with Jumbo cards.

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 12 pages.

★★★★★ $7
more than one
type to choose



Rob Chapman
Burn the Witch by Rob Chapman

In the Burn the Witch not only will you find four great effects that are inspired by witchcraft, but you will see the creative fusion of approaches to magick that makes Rob one of the most exciting mystery entertainers in the UK. Ideas, technique and inspiration drawing on sleight of hand, mentalism and hypnotism.


  • Protection against Witchcraft
  • The Face at the Grave
  • The Scented Flower
  • The Witches Mark

1st edition 2013, 36 pages.

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Terri Rogers
Secrets: the original magic of Terri Rogers by Terri Rogers

This recording was made many years ago by Patrick Page and released as a Trik-a-Tape Video. Martin Breese was able to purchase the full rights to the tape. It is now available as a video download.

The material on this download DVD consists of demonstrations and explanations of the following effects:

  • The Razor Blade Trick
  • Last Second Ring on Rope
  • The Flying Ring
  • The Aggravating Arrows
  • Smaller Than That
Some of these effects plus many others have been released in the three Terri Rogers ebooks that can be found here on Secrets (1986), More Secrets (1988) and finally Top Secrets (1998). Terri Rogers had an ingenious mind and...
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