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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Geoff Maltby
Club 71: Magic Dealer Catalog Parody by Geoff Maltby

This is a parody of a magic dealer catalog. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues.

16 pages

★★★★ $4
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Geoff Maltby
Club 71: IBM Convention Program Parody by Geoff Maltby

This is a parody of an IBM convention program. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues in 1991. If you have attended your fair share of conventions you will probably laugh a lot. I am not sure why this is in particular targeted at the IBM. Less than well organized conventions are not limited to any organization.

20 pages

★★★★★ $4
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Gregg Webb
Feen-X Magazine: Vol. 1, 2000 by Gregg Webb

Why do the same tricks everyone else is doing?

FEEN-X Magazine was an underground newsletter read by some of the top names in magic. Now it can be yours!

This e-book is the complete compilation of the first volume of FEEN-X from the year 2000.

Gregg Webb’s unique approach to magic is simple: create tricks and routines that veer off in a different direction. The result is magic that is strong – and subtle at the same time – hitting the audience where it counts.

101 pages long, this e-book was personally illustrated by Gregg Webb. (A professional artist, Gregg created cover art...

★★★★★ $12
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Devin Knight
How To Supercharge Your Entertainment Business With Facebook by Devin Knight

This is ebook #2 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".

Almost everyone is on Facebook nowadays and odds are you have a Facebook account. But are you using it to properly promote your entertainment business? Do you even know how? Sadly, most entertainers don't realize the full potential of Facebook. To them, it is a place to shoot the bull and play games, but did you know that the proper use of Facebook could double the amount of shows you do in a year? No, this isn't hype, this is a hard fact. The trouble is most performers aren't even aware of how this can be done! Just being on Facebook...

★★★★★ $10
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Christopher Bolter
The R.B.M.T. - ridiculously ballsy magazine test by Christopher Bolter

What Happens:

The mentalist displays four or five current popular magazines. They are handed out and freely examined. One is chosen by an audience member and he or she is asked to peruse the magazine. Next they are asked to decide on a page with lots of text, they do so and proceed to remove the page from the magazine. This is repeated with the other magazines until there are four or five random pages from each magazine.

Next the audience member's with their respective pages are instructed to turn them landscape and tear them in half. Place the two pieces together and repeat, and repeat...

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Paul Hallas
Mindful Mentalism Volume 2 by Paul Hallas

This time Paul casts his net further afield with contributions from several countries.

  • Introduction and Foreword
  • Hunter's Birthday Billets
  • Runes and Billet
  • Stepping Stones
  • Money Clip
  • The HH Cabaret Card Divination
  • Astral Journey
  • Doing Time
  • Ronaldo's SpecWriteR
  • Back To The Future
  • Happy and Sad
  • Surprising Mail
  • Your Choice, My Bet
  • The 3-Phase Routine
  • Colour In Mind
  • Think Of Any Card Supplement
  • Still Thinking Of A Gray Elephant
  • Dot's Quite Good
  • 52 Different Objects
  • With Thanks To Vernon and Derman
  • Dining Table Deception
  • If
  • Psychic Cafe
  • Colour Sense
  • Sunset
  • Karmic Connection ...
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Ian Adair
Ian Adair Lecture Demonstration by Ian Adair

Adair has always been a prolific creator of magical effects. Several stage magic and card magic effects are explained with beautiful illustrations. Some of the effects you will find explained are:

This is a quick appearance of four silks in a simple folder. The silks appear visibly and are seen through a window in the folder.

A pretty conceit with a plaque, showing a picture of a butterfly and with four cut-out holes on the butterfly wings. Coloured silks represent the colours on the butterfly, they are removed, placed into a beaker from which they...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Favolosi Trucchi Mentali by Ulysses Frederick Grant

più di 50 giochi sensazionali

F A V O L O S O è senza dubbio l'aggettivo giusto per descrivere questo libro!

U. F. Grant, che coloro che ci seguono da tempo conoscono, era veramente geniale, si dice inventasse almeno tre nuovi trucchi al giorno! Alcune delle sue straordinarie creazioni sono descritte in quest'opera insieme ad alcuni classici del mentalismo, tutti però con il tocco di Grant.

Troverete in esso molto materiale da poter utilizzare nei vostri spettacoli siano essi di close-up a da scena. Inoltre troverete molti principi poco conosciuti per ottenere straordinari effetti...

★★★★ $12
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Aldo Colombini
Carte in Tavola by Aldo Colombini

In questo ebook trovate dettagliatamente spiegati

Tridente: Tre mazzetti di carte sono usati per rivelare tre predizioni in una maniera incredibile.

DADI PROFETICI - Tu consegni una previsione ad uno spettatore. Due dadi, senza punti, sono mostrati e due spettatori scelgono due numeri a caso. Da un mazzo di carte il primo spettatore distribuisce tante carte quante ne indica il suo numero. L' ultima carta viene mostrata e ha lo stesso valore del numero detto dal SECONDO spettatore. II secondo spettatore distribuisce le carte a seconda del suo numero e l' ultima carta rivela il numero del...

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Matteo Filippini
Due Antiche Coppe: Routine a due bussolotti in cinque tempi by Matteo Filippini

La bibliografia magica mondiale offre una sconfinata quantità di materiale dedicata all'immortale Gioco Dei Bussolotti. Da anni Matteo Filippini studia con passione molti dei testi riguardanti i bussolotti; con "Due Antiche Coppe" non ha di certo la pretesa di rivoluzionare nulla a proposito di quanto detto e scritto da centinaia di anni su tal nobile gioco, ma l'autore ritiene di aver comunque qualcosa da dire in merito sia al neofita che al prestigiatore navigato.

Il libretto offre una semplice ma efficace routine a due bussolotti, ideale anche nel caso in cui le condizioni di lavoro non...

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Matteo Filippini
Chop by Matteo Filippini

Appassionato di close-up da più di vent'anni e avido consumatore e collezionista di libri magici, Matteo Filippini presenta una semplice routine di chop cup.

Nonostante la chop cup sia spesso stata considerata come la "parente povera" dei bussolotti, in realtà, se accompagnata dallo studio accurato di molte tecniche e sleight, può divenire un effetto killer del repertrio di qualsiasi prestigiatore. La semplicità della chop cup non sta di certo a significare banalità, tutt'altro. Basta vedere come grandi personaggi della Magia come Don Alan o Paul Daniels l'abbiano portata a livelli di...

★★★★★ $7
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Chris Wardle
Investigating the Mene-Tekel Deck: magic's forgotten trick deck by Chris Wardle

Apart from initially discussing how to make the deck and a variation of it, handling tips etc., the ebook goes on to describe a number of exciting routines. (Includes a bonus routine by Arun Bonerjee.)

  • The Origins Of The Mene-Tekel Deck
  • The Mene-Tekel Deck - Construction
  • Handling The Mene-Tekel Deck
  • The 'CW Mene-Tekel Deck'
  • Two At Once
  • What's In A Name?
  • Friends Reunited
  • Come Together
  • Card In Muffin
  • Trapped!
  • Mental Erasure
  • Any Number Called For
  • The Time Machine
  • Mind Reading By Proxy
  • The 'Black Seven And Black Eight Trick' Outdone!
  • Twin-Card In Wallet
  • A Further 'CW Mene-Tekel'...
★★★★ $12
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Atlas Brookings
The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings

"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many, many new ways to work with this to the table. I think that many don't use this principle simply because a work this all encompassing has never before been written on the topic. This really fills a previously gaping hole in mentalism and opens up many doors. This is incredibly underpriced in my opinion. I...

★★★★★ $40
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Atlas Brookings
The Real Thing by Atlas Brookings

What do other Mentalists think?

"At last a routine where you really are doing what you claim! This is a fantastic concept that Atlas has expanded greatly. It has the feeling of real mentalism because it IS real mentalism." - Marc Paul

"Page seven of your manuscript is worth whatever you end up charging for it." - Dave Arch

"I really enjoyed 'The Real Thing'...The core of the effect uses pure psychology which is just the ticket. The way in which this has been used to create a nice little lie-detector routine is very clever indeed." - Derek Heron

"Rather than a physical peek, your method...

★★★★★ $32
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Sean Waters
Reflections: a collection of realistic mentalism by Sean Waters

"Sean Waters material rides at the top of Mentalism's 'New Wave'." - Bob Cassidy, Performer, Author and Co-Founder of the P.E.A.

"Reflections" is, like all of Sean's work, thought-provoking, powerful and practical. It is a marvelous collection of material, and highly recommended." - Gabe Abelson, writer and performer

"In short, if you're already a fan of Sean's work, I'll bet you a cookie you'll be a fan of this book. If you're not familiar with his work, I would bet you'll be a fan once you read it." - Joshua Quinn, Creator and Author

"I want to thank you for again sharing your wonderful...

★★★★★ $34
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Sean Waters
Wonders by Sean Waters

"The Panacea Process is a brilliant concept" - Thomas Heine of Paralabs

"It is AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, DECEPTIVE, PERFECT! The best investment I have made." - Jose Prager, creator and author (comment regarding The Panacea Process)

"There are a very few people out there who I've come to trust to deliver 'the good stuff' and by that I mean, 'stuff I can use'. If you're familiar with Sean's ebooks you already know he's a thoughtful, knowledgeable guy, who not only shares great ideas but understands (and credits) where these ideas come from. I can say without hesitation that the Panacea Process was totally...

★★★★★ $51
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Christopher Bolter
Warrior: 2013 Lecture Notes by Christopher Bolter

Chris' new set of lecture notes includes material to be used in the real world for real people. Warrior is a manuscript including 8 killer effects designed for mentalists and magicians alike.

As a bonus for purchasing "Warrior" you will get Chris' brand new set of close up mentalism notes Phone Box Mentalist for free! Which includes another 6 incredibly fun and easy mentalism routines.


Three Card Opener – a quick opening card effect with a great kicker ending.

Gilbreath Revisited – an impossible experiment in patterns is explored in this fun card routine.

The Tossed Deck – the hoy...

★★★★★ $35
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Christopher Bolter
Phone Box Mentalism by Christopher Bolter

Mentalism On-The-Go

  • Crusher - immediately cause a plastic bottle to crush itself
  • Taster - correctly name the chosen flavor of gum just by having them imagine the taste
  • Alarmer - a random time is written down by an audience member and hidden … several minutes later an alarm goes off ... at the exact time predicted
  • Stopper - cause a borrowed, un-gimmicked wrist watch to STOP and START on your command
Effects Using Borrowed Items
  • The Human Calculator - a borrowed calculator is used to total random numbers by the audience – only to total a prediction made by the mentalist days in...
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Dave Arch
Murder Mystery Party by Dave Arch

carry it in your wallet ... fill a stage

The following effect by Jack Yates was originally published in 1980, by Supreme Magic under the title of "Accusation." The original version is still available from Magic Inc. Dave Arch has simplified the handling, strengthened the mnemonic aids, and consequently dispensed with an additional key card originally needed to guide the mentalist.

EFFECT: After asking the group how many have ever attended a Mystery Party, the mentalist suggests, "For anyone who has never been to one, let's have one right here! You know how it is. When people come to the party,...

★★★★ $10
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Sean Waters
Tailored Suits: Card Routines Befitting a Mentalist by Sean Waters

"I want to crawl up your nose and take a sample of your brain so I can clone it." - Iain Dunford

"It's a great book from cover to cover." - Don Theo

"Every time Sean describes a new card effect to me it feels like coming home to that place where 'Out of This World' is brand new and I wonder what's waiting on the next page." - Mike Ince

"A real treasure chest" - Felix Schellenberg

"An Exceptional Book" - Jan Forster

"If you've ever doubted whether cards have a place in mentalism, READ THIS BOOK!" - Gabe Abelson

"Cards DO have a place in mentalism. Here is over 100 pages that further proves it." - Bryn Reynolds

"I could...

★★★★★ $40
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Avik Dutta
Oblivion by Avik Dutta

Ever wanted to read minds of others in a hassle-free way? There have been hundreds of excellent methods in existence for extracting thoughts from people's minds. Mentalists have been "nailing" the thoughts of others, "tearing" into others' brains, having a "peek" into peoples' minds for a long time now. Imagine what it would be like if there's no need to resort to such methods. Imagine what it would be like if you are looking for the information just where you need to look? Here's something revolutionary for you.

Imagine requesting a spectator to take part in a demonstration on Thought Projection....

★★★★ $10
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Derek Lever
Ken Brooke and Friends by Derek Lever

This ebook is filled with classic routines and effects performed by Ken Brooke.

From the introduction:

He was a rare magician, born with a wonderful sense of humour, good looking, with the 'gift of the gab' tinged with a Yorkshire accent that was his trademark. A quick mind, which could retain much information and a sharp and ready wit enabled him to climb up the magical ladder in leaps and bounds.

Of course many would say that Ken was blunt to the point of rudeness, pig-headed, short-tempered and a very difficult man to get on with.

They would be right! He almost certainly did have...

★★★★★ $29.50
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Peter Duffie
Duet by Peter Duffie

POINT BLANK ASSEMBLY gives you the maximum effect for the minimum effort. Four Kings change places one at a time with four blank cards. The transposition is repeated only this time it occurs instantly. Finally the four Kings disappear altogether.

[You will need four blank-faced cards and four kings of which three have blank backs.]

IMPULSE starts as a transposition effect between a selected card and a blank card but ends with a finish that those who have seen it describe as 'NOT POSSIBLE'. Truly original thinking.

[You will need three blank-faced cards. One is gimmicked. The gimmick is easy to make with a pair of scissors, paper and glue.]

1st edition 1984, 1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages....

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Al Leech
Al Leech's Legacy by Al Leech

The best parts in this publications are the work on thimbles and billiard balls. Also included are card and coin routines.

1st edition 1980, 1st digital edition 2013, 90 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Alfred B. Leech: Magician—Of—The Month
  3. Major Surgery
  4. A Typographical Error
  5. Platform Wild Card
  6. A Bicycle Built For Profit
  7. Too Small
  8. Snap Change
  9. Crooked Card
  10. Three Cards Across
  11. The 1971-72 M-U-M Award
  12. A Card Trilogy
  13. Coins And Cards
  14. The Coin Star
  15. Ball Manipulation
  16. Chicago Balls: The Chicago Ball Trick And A Routine
  17. Substitution For Chicago Balls
  18. Color Changes
  19. - A Color...
★★★★★ $12.95
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