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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 03 by Alexander de Cova

Interview mit Thorsten Strotmann – Thorsten ist wahrscheinlich einer der höchstbezahltesten Zauberkünstler in Deutschland. In diesem Interview erhältst du interessante Einblicke in seine Denkweise.

ShowBusiness – Gedanken von Thorsten Strotmann zum Thema Marketing in der Zauberkunst. Für jeden, der mit der Zauberei Geld verdienen will, ein Muss!

Totally Stoned – Eine Mentalroutine mit vier weissen und einem schwarzen Stein. Basierend auf einer Max Maven Idee, aber jetzt vollkommen vorhersagbar.

The (W)Hole Trick – Eine unterschriebene Karte wandert zwischen zwei Blankokarten,...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 02 by Alexander de Cova

Interview mit Harry Riegel – Harry Riegel ist ein junger, aufstrebender Profi-Zauberkünstler und auf dem besten Weg, einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Lies das Interview mit ihm, um mehr über diese schillernde Persönlichkeit zu erfahren!

Teleforce – Ein freches Konzept aus dem Bereich des “Double-Talk”, mit dem du – vorausgesetzt, du führt es richtig vor und hast die Nerven – wahre Wunder erzielen kannst. Sicherlich nichts für jeden, aber höchst interessant und spannend. Typisch für die Art und Weise, wie der Radio-Zauberer Nr. 1 in Deutschland eben seine Routinen...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 01 by Alexander de Cova

Das unsichtbare TOPIT – So was soll es geben? Natürlich! Hierbei handelt es sich um ein von mir entwickeltes, brandneues TOPIT-System, welches alle Ansprüche erfüllt und die gleiche Funktonalität aufweist wie ein Ammar oder Cloutier TOPIT, nur mit dem Unterschied, dass es unsichtbar ist. Ich habe die Details zu diesem System jahrelang für mich behalten, nun gehört es euch. Für viele dürfte dieses System den mehrfachen Preis dieser Ausgabe wert sein. Einige Fachleute sprechen bereits von einer Revolution, die die bisherige Technik mit dem TOPIT verändern wird. Du erfährst alle Details,...

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Johann Christian Wiegleb & Gottfried Erich Rosenthal
Die Natürliche Magie: Band 7 by Johann Christian Wiegleb & Gottfried Erich Rosenthal

Das mehrbändige Werk, Die Natürliche Magie wurde von Johann Christian Wiegleb zusammengetragen und von Gottfried Erich Rosenthal fortgesetzt und umgearbeitet. Dieses Ebuch ist eine Reproduktion des 7. Bandes und beschreibt allerhand belustigende und nützliche Kunststücke gegliedert in diverse Sparten wie zum Beispiel Optische, Magnetische, Elektrische, Mechanische, Rechen und Mathematik, Kartenkunst, usw. Die elf Kupferstiche am Ende sind wunderschön.

(Dieses PDF EBuch wurde mit einer speziellen Software bearbeitet damit die alte Fraktur Schrift in einen durchsuchbaren Text umgewandelt...

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S. W. Reilly
Hellstromism by S. W. Reilly

This is one of the best ebooks on contact mind reading. It is short, but holds everything you need to know on the subject. Written by S. W. Reilly. This ebook is based on Axel Hellstrom's use of Contact Mind Reading. A great ebook to get you started.

Also features two performance reports on Hellstromism. One performance was given by Professor Newmann, the other by George Jason.

1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages.

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Alexander de Cova
Treasures by Alexander de Cova

Alexander de Cova performs mostly stand-up, that means his magic is suitable for the small stage or platform. But many of his routines can also done close-up. In these lecture notes you will find some of his best effects, sleights, gimmicks, tips and ideas.

Alexander is a strong believer in utility sleights that can be used in different routines. Therefore you will find lots of material that deals with new techniques or variations on existing things which you can incorporate in your own routines and tricks.

1st edition 2004, 28 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. A Few Words Before
  2. Two Switch...
★★★★★ $29
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Alexander de Cova
Boxed Transposition by Alexander de Cova

A signed selected card is placed face down into the middle of the face-up deck, protruding for half its length. The performer looks for the four kings and removes them from the pack. The kings are shown clearly on both sides and then placed into the empty card box (this is done by the spectator himself). Now the chosen signed card vanishes from the pack completely. When the card box is opened, the signed selected card is found face-up in the middle of the four kings!

For the killer finale, a king is cut into four pieces and yet the signed card transposes, ending up with the signed card being...

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Devin Knight
The Magician's Guide to Making Money with Costume Characters by Devin Knight

This is ebook #4 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".

This guide shows you proven ways to make money with costumed characters. Although written for magicians, this information can be used by anyone wanting to start a costume character business.

This eBook is the results of over two years of research and will save you lots of time. You will learn from a pro who knows the costume character business inside and out.

In today's economy, magicians need to leave no stone unturned to ensure a steady flow of income coming in. Many magicians offer balloon animals and face painting along...

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Medjid Kan Rezvani & Michael Landes
The Cushions of the Princess: or the tomato game by Medjid Kan Rezvani & Michael Landes

This is a translation and reformatting of Les Coussinets de la Princesse by Medjid K. Rezvani.

"... it was quite a surprise, a positive one, when I received a preview copy of the ebook of this wonderful booklet. Translated by Michael Landes, it provides a clear interpretation of the routine. The routine, itself, is called "les Coussinets de la Princesse" -- the little cushions of the princess -- and is also known as "The Tomato Trick." It's a nice piece of story magic, as well as a darn good trick. The book goes into how to construct the close-up mat, the construction of the "cushions," the...

★★★★★ $25
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Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Alle 6 Episoden by ORF

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle war eine sechsteilige Sendung des ORF von den frühen 80er Jahren. Es wurden einige der besten Österreichischen Tischzauberer gezeigt. Jede Episode hatte auch einen Gast vom Ausland. Humoristische und zauberische Moderation von Peter Lodynski.

"Ein schönes historisches Dokument!" - Roberto Giobbi

Die erscheinenden Zauberer sind:

  • Willi Seidl
  • Gerwald Lehotzky
  • Peter Heinz Kersten
  • Ed Keener
  • Magic Christian
  • Heinz Boncina
  • Heinz Freundt
  • Tino
  • Peps Zoller
  • Kurt Freitag
  • Al Goshman
  • Dr. Odo Mayer
  • Herbert von Heldt
  • Wolff von Keyserlingk
  • Alfred Moser
  • Eckhard Boettcher
  • Onkel Peppi ...
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MP4 (video)

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Episode 6 by ORF
  • Mirjam and Peter Lodynski: Erscheinen von Lodynski
  • Claude Rix: Perlen der Magie
  • Peter Lodynski: Perlentrick
  • Peter Heinz Kersten: ESP Trick
  • Musikpause: The Nuggets
  • Piet Forton: Zu den Assen Abheben
  • Peps Zoller: Geld drucken, Sicherheitsnadeln
  • Musikpause: The Nuggets
  • Peter Lodynski: Vier Temperamente Kartentrick
  • Gene Anderson: Zeitungszerreisen, Papierfalten und -schneiden
  • Musikpause: The Nuggets
  • Ger Copper: Muenzenerscheinen, Kartentrick, Muenzenmatrix, Muenzenvergroesserung
Laufzeit 45 Minuten
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MP4 (video)

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Episode 5 by ORF
  • Erhard Liebenow: 4 Ass Trick, Triumph, Chips
  • Mirjam Dreifuss: Muenze durch Glas
  • Mag. Kurt Baldrian: Kartentrick, Riesenkartensteiger
  • Musikpause: Sol Oriens
  • Peter Lodynski: verschwindende Milch
  • David Roth: Wandernde Muenzen
  • Musikpause: Sol Oriens
  • Willy Seidl Sr: Zigarettenpapier, Magischer Geist
  • Peter Lodynski & Mirjam: Entfesselung
  • Gene Anderson: Kartentrick (Asse durch Karton)
  • Musikpause: Sol Oriens
  • Peter Lodynski & Mirjam: Kugelfang
  • Claude Rix (Frankreich): Tomaten und Tassen
Laufzeit 45 Minuten
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Episode 4 by ORF
  • Wolff von Keyserlingk: Muenzentrick, Geldschein in Zitrone
  • Peter Lodynski: 3 Staebchen
  • Alfred Moser: Kartenfinden mit Computer
  • Musikpause
  • Peter Lodynski: Farbenraten
  • Gerwald Lehotzky: Psychokinese mit Ball, Muenze und Glas durch Tisch
  • Musikpause
  • Eckhard Boettcher: Szenische Mikromagie
  • Kurt Freitag: Muenzen, Geldschein und Tuch
  • Musikpause
  • Onkel Peppi: Mecki der Igel
  • Eckhard Boettcher: Gordischer Knoten
  • Al Goshman: Muenzen, Salz und Pfeffer
Laufzeit 45 Minuten
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MP4 (video)

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Episode 3 by ORF
  • Peter Lodynski: produziert Assistentin Ingrid Riegler
  • Al Goshman: Chinka Chink Chinese Mystery, Kartensteiger
  • Dr. Odo Mayer: Muenztrick, Flacher Wuerfel
  • Musikpause: Tom Henkes
  • Herbert von Heldt: Flamme und Tuch, Tuch verschwindet aus Roehre, leeres Rohr, Geld drucken,
  • Karte durchdringt Korken, Wanderndes Loch
  • Musikpause: Tom Henkes
  • Peter Heinz Kersten: Kartentrick, Fingerring wandert in Brieftasche
  • Musikpause: Tom Henkes
  • Peter Lodynski: Ring Verschwinden und Erscheinen
  • Heinz Boncina: drei Laster
  • Herbert von Heldt: Seiltrick
Laufzeit 45 Minuten
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Episode 2 by ORF
  • Heinz Freundt: Illusion mit dem Goldenen Ball
  • Tino: Zigaretten essen
  • Peter Lodynski: Gag mit Geige
  • Musikpause: Cercle Quartett
  • Heinz Boncina: Seiltrick
  • Peter Lodynski: Trick mit kleiner Flasche
  • Musikpause: Cercle Quartett
  • Auslandsgast von Deutschland: Peps Zoller: Kartenzauberei, Kuemmelblaettchen
  • Kurt Freitag: Becherspiel
  • Musikpause: Cercle Quartett
  • Heinz Boncina: Kartentrick
  • Magic Christian: Kettenglieder
Laufzeit 45 Minuten
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Episode 1 by ORF

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle war eine sechsteilige Sendung des ORF von den frühen 80er Jahren. Es wurden einige der besten Österreichischen Tischzauberer gezeigt. Jede Episode hatte auch einen Gast vom Ausland. Humoristische und zauberische Moderation von Peter Lodynski.

  • Willi Seidl: Die Wandernden Chips
  • Peter Lodynski: Gewaehlte Karte wandert zur Schuhsole
  • Gerwald Lehotzky: Telekinese, Parakinese: Schluesselverbiegen, Magnet und Muttern
  • Musikpause: Straub und Jaric
  • Peter Lodynski: Cellophan zu langem Cellophan
  • Peter Heinz Kersten: Hindu Faden, 4 Ass Kartentrick
  • Peter Lodynski: Metallkugel...
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MP4 (video)

Cristian Vidrascu
Ideas with the Invisible Deck by Cristian Vidrascu

In his debut work, Cristian Vidrascu tackles the Ultra Mental Deck, better known to contemporary magicians as the Invisible Deck. He includes 11 very different routines, in addition to many tips and ideas for creating miracles with one of the most brilliant trick decks ever devised. Some of these routines are suitable for intimate performances, whereas others are created for the stage. There are even ideas for hypnotists and ventriloquists on how to integrate this prop into their act.

1st edition 2013, 54 pages.

★★★★★ $8
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Ted Annemann
Assolo Mentale by Ted Annemann

Un intero numero (anzi 2) di straordinario Mentalismo subito pronto senza preparazione sul luogo dello spettacolo e con oggetti comuni.

Il sogno del Mentalista : un numero da fare senza dover fare ore di preparazione. Bastano pochi minuti e pochi oggetti per stupire il tuo pubblico. Non devi trasportare pesanti attrezzature. Praticamente porti tutto addosso !

"Veramente incredibile" ecco l'esclamazione di molti che leggeranno questo volumetto pubblicato per la prima volta in Italiano

Abbiamo scelto questo classico del grande Maestro del Mentalismo perché lo troverai assolutamente...

★★★★ $3.50
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Ken de Courcy
Ken de Courcy Discute Il Gioco Piu Veloce Del Mondo by Ken de Courcy

Un manoscritto di grande successo sul nostro sito è stato quello di Joe karson " il gioco più veloce del mondo". Una vera lezione sull'arte della presentazione e un carico di risate per il pubblico.

Ora è un piacere per noi presentare una approfondita discussione su questo gioco del maestro Ken De Courcy.

In questo manoscritto , troverete la personale presentazione del gioco da parte di De Courcy, arricchita con molti finali diversi che renderanno il gioco memorabile. Il gioco è una vera e propria commedia degli errori in cui una spettatrice chiamata sul palco per scegliere una carta...

★★★★ $5
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Harry C. Bjorkelund
Disegni Trasformabili Comici by Harry C. Bjorkelund

Per quanto ne sappiamo questa è la prima opera sui cosiddetti “Chalk Talk” che viene tradotta in lingua Italiana. L’arte di intrattenere il pubblico disegnando semplici soggetti trasformabili è , con rare eccezioni, praticamente sconosciuta in Italia.

Questo libro, che ci auguriamo sia il primo di una serie, mette in grado anche l’intrattenitore Italiano di cominciare a far assaporare al suo pubblico questa divertente, quanto varia arte. Qualunque tipo di artista e intrattenitore può inserire nel suo repertorio almeno qualcuno di questi disegni trasformabili. Bjorkelund ci da...

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Aldo Colombini
Quella Sporca Dozzina by Aldo Colombini

Ciao, ecco uno dei libri più venduti di Aldo Colombini. Tutto il materiale è buonissimo e gli effetti eccellenti! Come dice Davide Costi nell'introduzione: "Raramente mi è capitata fra le mani una pubblicazione con una percentuale così alta di idee ed effetti di primissima qualità e, conoscendo il livello tecnico/artistico dell'autore, non è stata certo una sorpresa; tuttavia la sorpresa vera è stata nel constatare che, malgrado le centinaia di effetti che Aldo ha pubblicato in questi anni, la sua fervida creatività continua a regalarci giochi di un così alto livello.

Vorrei soffermarmi,...

★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Ken de Courcy Discusses "The World's Fastest Card Trick" by Ken de Courcy

A bestseller on our site has been Joe Karson's The World's Fastest Card Trick. A great lesson of showmanship packed with loads of laughter for the audience. Now it is a pleasure for us to present an in-depth discussion of this trick by the great master Ken De Courcy.

In this manuscript, you will find the complete presentation of the trick by De Courcy, enriched with many different endings that make the trick memorable. The trick is a real comedy of errors in which a spectator is invited on stage to pick a card and then...the fun begins...Everything seems to go wrong while the performer tries again and again to find the card miserably...

★★★★★ $5
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Devin Knight
The $1000 Dollar A Day Show Plan by Devin Knight

This is ebook #3 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".

[Note: This plan may work to a limited degree world-wide. It is best suited for the USA market where there is an abundant of these venues. Non USA buyers may not have the same success that performers in the USA will have with this program. Please take that into consideration before you purchase this plan.]

"Mr. Knight delivers an interesting and practical approach to earning income as a working magician and mentalist. The material here is well-researched and presented. It's a lean, mean read, and a very good value for the money. Well worth a look." -D. Ulin

"I thoroughly enjoyed Devin's last two books on marketing that covers SEO and Facebook marketing, but this book wins the Gold Medal! He teaches how performers can literally start booking shows right now in a market even I was unaware of! And Devin was being conservative...

★★★★★ $15
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Dr. Bill's Bend by Dr. Bill Cushman

As seen on Steve Cohen's 2 hour feature television special, "LOST MAGIC DECODED" aired on The History Channel, October 18th, 2012!

"I chose to perform "Dr. Bill's Bend" on my television special because I needed a pendulum routine with a distinct ending. My studio audience loved this routine, and so did I. Perhaps I should add it to my live shows at the Waldorf-Astoria? It's that strong." - Steve Cohen, The Millionaires' Magician

Imagine using a simple pendulum made from a piece of ribbon and a key (these can all be borrowed) to teach an entire audience to focus their mental powers...

★★★★★ $25
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Displaying 6453 to 6476 (of 10172 products)
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