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Madison Hagler
Tractor by Madison Hagler

For years magicians have wanted to make a signed card vanish from a deck of cards and appear elsewhere. The best way to do this is by stealing the selected card from the deck. But how? This is a question many magicians have tried to answer. There are various ways, and each have there pros and cons. Tractor is an outstanding solution to this age old dilemma that makes the 'steal' appear impossible. You will be stealing the card from a cased deck!

Tractor is a utility tool which is extremely easy and fast to make. (We are talking 1 minute, tops!) You just need 2 items to make the gimmick and...

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Mark Piazza
Emily v2 by Mark Piazza

A series of effects to attempt to make spiritual contact with an unfortunate little girl.

After releasing his controversial Memories of Emily séance a few years ago, Mark Piazza has always thought about re-writing it and 'toning it down' somewhat as it was too graphic for some.

While attempting to do so, Mark ended up creating a whole different Emily séance!

Simply titled, Emily v2 (version 2), it is another fictional séance about an abducted little girl.

Once again, Mark has put together a series of different effects tied together in a different way so that 90% of the script...

★★★★ $17
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Michael Daniels
OCD and Other Effects by Michael Daniels

OCD and Other Effects is a collection of seven card routines for magicians and mentalists that explore some of the possibilities of a mathematical principle designated The StayCard Principle.

[While the principle is not new, others have made use of it before, this is the first systematic treatment and explanation of it.]

The effects included are:


The magician talks about how he was helped to conquer his OCD (Obsessive Cereal Disorder). He explains his childhood ritual for deciding which breakfast cereal to eat each morning. Cards made from fourteen breakfast cereal packets are mixed in a formalised dealing procedure. Despite the spectator deciding how the dealing should proceed, the cards correctly predict...

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Benjamin W. Tallman
Making Magic Pay by Benjamin W. Tallman

While this has been written in the 60s, the basics of how to promote, advertise, and build your performing business hasn't changed that much. Of course, you will do the things recommended with modern tools, but the principles and ideas to achieve success haven't changed.

As an advertising man, Mr. Tallman has a lot of ideas on how to promote and get the most out of advertising. He is a very busy magician and this is entirely due to the methods in his book. Let him prove to you how he gets an average of 85 shows a year, and how you can do it, too.

  • Foreword
  • Preface
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David Britland
Consumer Control by David Britland

Five ESP cards are laid out on the table. Point to one and push it aside. Point to another and push it aside. Discard two more until just one is left. Do you think I could have predicted that card in advance?

A duplicate set of ESP cards has been on view throughout. They are all face down except one. It's your card. Not only that, but it has a completely different colored back from the rest!

Consumer Control is simple, easy and direct. No counts, moves or sleight of hand. A baffling demonstration of psychological persuasion.

[Note: This ebook does not come with the specially prepared cards. One set of ESP cards is regular. The other set is prepared with rough and smooth but in a very special way. If you have a roughing spray or stick you will be able to make your own cards. You will need ESP cards with two different backs. You will also need two double backers that match the two different backs and two envelopes.]

1st edition 2001, 1st digital edition 2013, 9 pages....

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Shawn Evans
How To Hack Handcuffs Like Houdini by Shawn Evans

For Magicians, Law Enforcement & Urban Survivalist

As a performer, do you know how to get out of any pair of handcuffs manufactured - past, present or future models?

As an urban survivalist, do you know how to open standard handcuffs with a common drinking straw and other very innovative, real-world applications?

As a security professional, do you know which types of handcuff keys are designed to be invisible to the naked eye?

As an escapologist, do you know the 3 "universal" handcuff keys that all escape artists should have in their toolkit?

As a locksmith, are you familiar with...

★★★★ $13.95
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Devin Knight
10 Myths About Magic Exposed by Devin Knight

"Devin Knight is the Guy Jarrett of our time. He exposes many common magic "facts" as myths and explains why they are not true and should not be believed. You can improve yourself and improve your magic if you stop taking to heart those age-old lies that magicians and magic dealers made up just to ease their conscience about taking money from strangers." - Jim Kleefeld

"A fast, informative, high-impact read from the ever-interesting Devin Knight. As magicians and mentalists, we often lose sight of the observations detailed here. Highly recommended!" - D. Ulin

The theme of this e-book is that...

★★★★ $4
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Alexander de Cova
Tamariz Legesystem in 5 Tagen by Alexander de Cova

Ein 5-Tage-Kurs zum sicheren Erlernen des TAMARIZ MEMODECK. Alexander wurde auf seinen Workshops danach gefragt, wie er denn bzw. mit welcher Methode er das Tamariz Deck gelernt habe. So schön das Arbeiten mit diesem Spiel ist, es hat einen gehörigen Nachteil: man muss es erst einmal auswendig lernen. Nur zu oft hört man von den Zauberkollegen, dass sie zwar gerne mit einem memorierten Spiel arbeiten würden, aber meistens schon nach den ersten Karten aufgegeben haben. Es ist eben nicht so leicht, sich 52 scheinbar wahllos liegende Karten mit den dazugehörigen Zahlen zu merken.

Dies ist...

★★★ $6
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Alexander de Cova
Horizons by Alexander de Cova

Das allererste Seminarheft von Alexander de Cova aus dem Jahre 1986. Wir haben uns entschlossen, das Heft in vollständiger und überarbeiteter Form wieder aufzulegen, zumal die Druckausgaben ja seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr erhältlich sind. Es kamen in der Zeit verschiedene Editionen des Seminarheftes heraus, die vorliegende Fassung beinhaltet alle Kunststücke der einzelnen Editionen.

Nach 27 Jahren endlich in der Form, die Alexander sich immer schon gewünscht hatte, aber aufgrund der damals noch nicht zur Verfügung stehenden Computertechnik so nicht realisieren konnte.

Hier der Inhalt...

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Alexander de Cova
Die Decova Formel by Alexander de Cova

Vor einigen Jahren schrieb Alexander de Cova dieses Manuskript, das als Begleitmaterial zu seinen Workshops gedacht war. Im Laufe der Zeit fragten viele Zauberfreunde immer wieder nach diesem Manuskript, welches lange Zeit "out of print" war. Aufgrund der Nachfrage gibt es jetzt ein Ebuch.

In diesem Werk befasst sich Alexander de Cova mit theoretischen Gedanken zur Zauberei, insbesondere mit den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Übens und Kreierens von Routinen und Techniken. Sie finden viele Tipps und Hinweise aus der Praxis, die Ihnen helfen werden, ein besserer Zauberer zu werden.


★★★★★ $6
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Burling Hull
The G-d D--n Truth About Magic by Burling Hull

This magazine, consisting of 9 issues, was primarily Burling Hull's way to attack and undermine mentalist and dealer Robert Nelson of Columbus, Ohio. Burling Hull was known for his short fuse. He took issue with Robert Nelson criticizing him. Hull's revenge was to start this magazine and attack Nelson.

Hull would later sell reprints of Nelson's manuscripts, to whoever would buy them, for a fraction of what Nelson had been charging. This and other antics, got Hull booted out of the Magic Dealers Association.

1st edition 1959, 38 pages.

★★★★ $5
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Devin Knight & Al Mann
Al Mann's Sensational Boiler Escape: A Psychic Dematerialization by Devin Knight & Al Mann

A rare insight into Al Mann's least-known manuscript, The Sensational Boiler Escape. In 1987, Mann revised this effect and sold the exclusive rights to Devin Knight as a unique demonstration of psychic powers to be used on a TV show. The effect was as follows:

The performer is visibly locked into an examined metal boiler, which is then filled with boiling water! The performer claims he will be able to survive the scalding waters because of his psychic powers. The level of the water is seen rising on the indicators and the temperature is recorded on the boiler's thermometer.

The boiler...

★★★★ $8
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Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 2 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • PERSU-ACE-IVE (J.K. Hartman): The four Aces, placed face down in the middle of the deck, appear together and face up.
  • A TRANSCENDANT TRANSPOSITION (Tom Daugherty): A transposition of two selected cards with a killer ending.
  • AMBITIOUS 1-2-3-4 (Roy Walton): An ambitious card routine...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 7 by Aldo Colombini


  • SELLOTEST (Rex Taylor): A spectator chooses ANY word from a dictionary and you reveal that word. No questions asked.
  • A TRIBUTE TO THE CARD STARS (Lewis Ganson): In a beautiful crescendo, you produce the four Queens, the four Kings and finally, the four Aces. A stunning routine.
  • IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCE (Arthur Carter): The deck is shuffled by a spectator who deals four packets of cards. After that, four stunning coincidences are found.
  • TURN OVER CARDS (Peter Rees): A spectator shuffles cards face up and face down and gives you a packet of cards. You turn over some cards and when the two packets...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Earl Reum
Magic for the Civic Club by Earl Reum

There are many shows to be had among the various luncheon, commercial and civic clubs found in all cities, but they don't really like "fun shows." They prefer something with a message. The excellent program Dr. Reum has created here, based on his own experience, ties in with magic tricks you probably have at home. This is all tied in very neatly with the patter which is so suitable and so right for the organization show. It can also be exactly timed, which is also a must with these shows.

Dr. Reum was co-ordinator of student activities of the city of Denver, plus being obligated for many...

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Cameron Francis
Multifarious by Cameron Francis

7 Eclectic Close Up Card Effects + 1 Pen & Coin Trick

"This is an outstanding production, filled with stuff close up guys are gonna love. I really like what you did with Coincidentally Yours- just about perfect! I'm gonna have to do that trick!" - Jack Carpenter


EXPECTANT -- An assembly effect with an awesome twist.

COINCIDENTATLLY YOURS -- Harry Lorayne's classic effect reloaded.

SKILL V. MAGIC -- A killer Triumph effect with three selections.

FLYING FOUR REVISITED -- A super streamlined transposition between four signed cards and four blanks.

KEY CARD SEQUENCE -- A card is selected...

★★★★★ $15
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Tommaso Guglielmi
The ACAAN Finale by Tommaso Guglielmi

After many versions of ACAAN, Tommy has created a version which he believes is very direct, hands–off and very close to the perfect ACAAN. From the spectator's view point, they will see:

  • A deck of cards closed in its box is in full view on the table.
  • A spectator selects a card using an imaginary deck and a number via an imaginary urn.
  • Mentally the spectator imagines moving the card to the correct position inside the deck.
  • The spectator removes the cards from the box and counts to named number and the named card will be there without the magician ever touching the deck
In all his...
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Mark Elsdon
The Inevitable by Mark Elsdon

This is probably Mark Elsdon's strongest piece. He has used it as the closer at every single private and house party he has worked for the last couple of years and it brings the house down (pardon the pun).

The only other performer who has known about it is Paul Vigil and this is what he has to say about it:

"I call this "My friend Mark Elsdon's ACAA...," but he calls it The Inevitable; and it's one of the strongest and most clever uses of The Invisible Deck I've ever witnessed. It went directly into my performance repertoire and can quickly become the perfect closer (or encore piece)...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 09 by Alexander de Cova

REGIE IN DER MAGIE – ein Artikel, den Alexander schon seit Langem schreiben wollte. Immer wieder fragten Zauberer nach Hilfe beim Zusammenstellen eines Programms bzgl. Regie. In diesem Artikel erfährst du nun in einer Art „Crashkurs“ die wichtigsten Punkte und erhältst Beispiele und Anregungen, wie du dein eigener Regisseur sein kannst und was beim Aufbau eines Programms zu beachten ist.

FLUKE II – eine sehr praktische Methode, den A.C.A.A.N. Effekt zu zeigen. Du zeigst zwei Kartenspiele, ein rotes und ein blaues. Das Blaue bekommt der Zuschauer und du berührst es nicht mehr. Der...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 08 by Alexander de Cova

GEDANKEN ZUR STRASSENZAUBEREI – auf der vorletzten MMC durfte Alexander eine Keynote über das Thema Zauberei auf der Straße vortragen. Das hat viel Spaß gemacht und kam hervorragend an. Viele Zauberer fragten, ob es nicht etwas Ausführlicheres zu dem Thema gibt. Das gibt und so findest du hier einen kompakten, detailreichen Artikel zum Thema Straßenzauberei. Hier erfährst du wichtige Punkte, die du beachten solltest, etliche Tipps und Vorschläge zu den relevanten Themen: Charakter, Kostüm, Props, Trickauswahl, das Einsammeln mit dem Hut und einige Gags. Für jeden, der es diesen Sommer...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 07 by Alexander de Cova

Diese Ausgabe kommt mit Video und Druckvorlage für Vitamin B.

Beancounter III – Viele Profis führen inzwischen meine Version des “Beancounter” mit grossem Erfolg vor. Bei dieser neuen Variante habe ich alles auf den Kopf gestellt und komplett verändert: Kein präpariertes Glas mehr und auch kein Daumenschreiber, dafür aber eine sehr raffinierte und vor allem praktische Methode, die auf eine Idee von Bob Cassidy zurückgeht, um den gleichen Effekt zu erzielen.

Der Bibel Buchtest – Ich wollte immer schon mal einen Buchtest mit dem Buch der Bücher – der Bibel. Hier hast du...

★★★★★ $19.50
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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 06 by Alexander de Cova

Diese Ausgabe kommt mit zwei MP4 Videoclips.

Fred Robinson – Ein Kurzporträt des legendären englischen Zauberers, der alle mit seiner unsichtbaren Volte und seinen unfassbaren Fähigkeiten beim Falschausteilen mit Spielkarten verblüffte.

Mein Zetteltausch – Wenn du einen Austausch suchst für Zettel, Geldscheine oder sonst noch was, was sich falten lässt, dann probier diesen hier!

Free Cut Principle – eine der besten Falschabhebemethoden. John Hamilton und Gene Finell waren die Vorreiter. Jetzt lernst du meine Variante kennen. Sie würde dich foolen. Absolutes Muss für Memodeck-Freaks! ...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 05 by Alexander de Cova

INTERVIEW Alaisdair McCova - Ein Interview mit diesem “schottischen” Zauberkünstler. Für mich war es interessant (oder soll ich sagen: für uns?), doch lies es selbst.

ROSEDICTION - Eine unkomplizierte und praktische Mentalroutine, bei der du den Rechnungsbetrag eines imaginären Rendevouz mit einer Zuschauerin voraussagst.

BENSON BOWL MOVES - Gedanken zur Benson Bowl, inklusive der ausführlichen Beschreibung des Verschwindegriffes, der alle getäuscht hat.

FLY WITH THE EAGLES - Ein geliehener Ring erscheint an einem Karabinerhaken, der auf ein Stoffband aufgefädelt ist und...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 04 by Alexander de Cova

Ein Interview mit Paul Sommersguter – Spätestens nach dem Grand Prix Sieg beim Zauberkongress in Zell am See 2010 ist der Steirer Paul kein Unbekannter mehr. Viele waren von seiner Wettbewerbsdarbietung mehr als verblüfft. Lies in dem Interview, wer Paul ist und wie er tickt.

Parabloxx – Hat überhaupt nichts mit Mentalzauberei zu tun, sondern ist eine genial einfache Lösung, um z.B. ein Goldfischglas oder eine Bowlingkugel erscheinen zu lassen. Die Methode ist eigentlich als Selbstgänger zu bezeichnen und absolut täuschend und überraschend. Du kannst dir das notwendige Hilfsmittel...

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