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Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 12 by Aldo Colombini


  • TWO TIMES TWO MANY (Herb Rungay): Three red cards and three black cards, but an extra black card continuously appears. Then you remove a black card and a red one and finally, you have six cards: Three red and three black.
  • BLACK SANDWHICH RED SANDWHICH (Mark Leveridge): A card is placed between two Jacks, disappears and reappears between the other two Jacks.
  • I OWE YOU 50C! (Ken de Courcy): A dollar (or any bill) is torn in half and restored in the hands of a spectator.
  • QUARTET (Aldo Colombini): You and a spectator reveal four matching pairs of cards.
  • JUMPING JOKER SURPRISE (Jomaguy): A selected card is...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 11 by Aldo Colombini


  • WILD CROSSES (Fabian-Aldo Colombini): You show six 10D with blue backs and a Joker with a red back marked with large crosses. One by one, all the blue cards become red-backed with big crosses.
  • DROP CONTRAST (Max Maven): A spectator is able to pick out the one card in the deck which bears a contrasting back design.
  • THREE'S COMPANY (Eddie Lee): A series of very strong effects (changes and transpositions) with a packet of cards.
  • MIRROR CARDS (Fabian-Aldo Colombini): Three Jokers take the identity of three selected cards, one after the other, and in the end they vanish. An amazing...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Clettis Musson
Fire Magic by Clettis Musson

Many wonderful fire tricks and the secrets of fire-eating. Add brightness, flash, color, and excitement to your show. The entire fire-eating subject is covered: torches, gas jets, licking a red hot poker, drinking boiling liquid, biting hot iron, eating burning objects, fire bubbles, etc. Also, the Human Blow Torch, other thrilling but different effects such as the Human Volcano, Fire Fountain, Burning a Living Head, Burning Water, the Dragon's Mouth, many others. Spectacular numbers include Colored Fire, Automatic Lamp, Mysterious Candles, Breath of Fire, etc. There are sixty tricks in all,...

★★★★★ $9.95
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Harry Stanley
I Wouldn't Like To Play Cards With You! by Harry Stanley

Four easy card routines that flow nicely together, plus a false shuffle and a false cut. The routines are:

  • Card Control
  • Expert versus Amateur
  • A Lesson in Cheating
  • A Gambling Story

11 pages

★★★★★ $6
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Alexander de Cova
Locked Books 01: The Invisible Topit by Alexander de Cova

An improvement on the classic TOPIT device.

For years many have been using the TOPIT gimmick. Michael Ammar made the sewn-in-type TOPIT popular. All those years Alexander de Cova was always thinking whether it might be possible to hide the bag (or better: the bag's opening and the edge) in the jacket. After becoming acquainted with the works of Tommy Wonder and his breakthrough concerning the tails TOPIT, things clicked together.

Tommy's system inspired de Cova to apply the principle to a regular TOPIT. The result is that this TOPIT can't be seen, because there is no visible edge.

In this ebook de Cova...

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David Devlin
Popcorn Routine by David Devlin

You are at the carnival. The sights, smells, and sounds are over-whelming. You come across a small stage with huge, colorful banners behind it. A man with a microphone walks onto the stage, and begins his bally. That's right! He is getting the crowd excited to see the Sideshow!

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please gather around the stage. Another show is about to begin. We can't block the midway, so gather down and gather around. You are going to see the most amazing display of human anomaly so incredible you have to see it to believe it!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me welcome...

★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 12 by Alexander de Cova

Die neue Ausgabe ist fertig und steht zum Download bereit. Es erwarten Dich wieder interessante Ideen und Techniken. Diesmal ist Basteln das Schwerpunktthema, d.h., alle Tricks können leicht selbst hergestellt werden. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Inhalt:

BOXED - Diese Routine war der Hit im Seminar! Ein unterschriebener, geliehener Geldschein erscheint gefaltet im Inneren eines Sturmfeuerzeugs, welches sich inmitten einer Zigarettenschachtel befunden hat, die mit breiten Gummibändern umschnürt war. Eine professionelle Routine aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Der trick ist ideal für Party und...

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Maximiliano Monteleone
La Fanciulla in Sogno by Maximiliano Monteleone

Come Costruire, davvero, una meravigliosa LEVITAZIONE a 360°... i più completi piani di costruzione di questa originale versione della levitazione a 360 gradi. di Maximilian Monteleone - Introduzione di Ruben

Se per te i "piani di costruzione" di una illusione di solito somigliano ad un puzzle...

Se sei rimasto spesso deluso dalla mancanza di completezza dei piani...

Se hai bisogno di una Illusione spettacolare che puoi eseguire praticamente ovunque anche a qualche metro dagli spettatori e che pur può essere trasportata nella tua auto...

Se hai sempre desiderato eseguire una levitazione...

★★★★ $25
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Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 8 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock's legendary magazine.


  • STILL TAKING THREE (Jack Avis): A card selected among three, vanishes from one half of the deck and reappears in the other half.
  • THE PHANTOM FLUSH (Sam Dalal): You show 6 blank cards on both sides. You then print the cards one at a time, until you have a Royal Flush.
  • POOR MAN'S BOOMERANG (Francis Haxton): Two cards are selected and replaced. Another card is thrown in the middle of the deck and it lands between the two selections.
  • PROSPERO TWO, THREE AND FOUR (Peter Warlock): An amazing coincidence of three cards from two decks of cards.
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Edward Marlo
Fingertip Control: Revolutionary Card Technique - Chapter 3 by Edward Marlo

The system of the Marlo Definite Fingertip Control explained in all its ramifications and ideas.

1st edition 1956, 1st digital edition 2013, 24 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
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Lewis Ganson
Reelistic Magic by Lewis Ganson

A collection of tricks, stunts and bits of business using a reel.

A reel is a very powerful stage and parlor tool. (In its miniature versions it can even be used in close-up environments.) It is small enough that it can be easily palmed, but powerful enough to pull silks, cords and other items in a fraction of a second. It is like an invisible hand that the performer can use at his command.

Includes care, repair and maintenance of reels.

  • The Reel
  • Re-Threading The Reel
  • Ken Brooke's Method For "The Untying Silk"
  • The Self-Tying Silk
  • The Untying Silk Again
  • Penetrations With Silk ...
★★★★★ $10
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Guy Jarrett
Magic and Stage Craft by Guy Jarrett

This is one of the most important books on stage illusions. Many experts consider it among the best 10 illusion books ever published - some even have it in their top three. Besides describing a list of startling illusions Guy Jarrett mixes in stories about show business and there in particular his opinion about some of the big names in magic. Particular Howard Thurston receives a lashing from Jarrett. This book has a refreshing honesty and directness that is missing from most other magic books. Jarrett even describes a few card effects and other parlor tricks he has performed.


★★★★ $19.50
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James Alan & Dr. Sammy Jakubowicz
Ninety Nine Fabrications: the ultimate collection by James Alan & Dr. Sammy Jakubowicz

Rumors have long persisted of an "other" IBM Ring in the city of Toronto. This motley crew of magicians, mentalists, gamblers, jugglers, psychics, university students and general dilettantes met regularly at a secret place known only as "the usual place and time" and adhered vigorously to its vague objectives of advancing the art of magic, trading gossip and exploring techniques for the vanishment and disappearance of pub foods in a collegial environment.

This is Ring 99 and these are their stories.

Includes the official Ring 99 membership oath, the Ring 99 induction lecture, "Hail to...

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Paul Voodini
The Magician's Guide to the Tarot by Paul Voodini

From the man who brought you the Magician's Guide to Palm Reading, comes the Magician's Guide to the Tarot!

The Tarot has long fascinated both magicians and the general public. With its entrancing artwork and air of mystery, these cards are the perfect tool for magicians and mentalists. However many magicians and mentalists can find it difficult to incorporate the Tarot into their close-up sets. Learning what each card means and then delivering a 'reading' can seem a daunting task. With 78 cards in a full deck, many can be worried that it is impossible to remember what each card means. And when it comes to using the Tarot...

★★★★★ $16
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Harlan Tarbell
Tarbell Lezioni 5 by Harlan Tarbell

Continua la pubblicazione del corso più organico al mondo di Giochi di Prestigio!

Il contenuto di questa lezioni spazia in vari campi. Una prima parte tratta di storia. Una seconda parte tratta di psicologia pratica applicata alla prestigiazione, soffermandosi sull'importanza e lo sviluppo della personalità per avere successo come Prestigiatore, con consigli pratici. Infine vengono proposti con minuziosa spiegazione tre begli effetti pronti per essere introdotti nel nostro repertorio con una minima spesa. Ecco descritti gli effetti con le stessa parole di Tarbell:

"Nella lezione vi...

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Harlan Tarbell
Tarbell Lezioni 4 by Harlan Tarbell

Continua la pubblicazione del più organico Corso di Giochi di Prestigio al mondo.

Questa lezione inizia, come le precedenti con un pò di storia, prendendo in esame l'origine della superstizione.

Si prosegue con un importante riassunto e applicazione dei principi imparati.

Si conclude con la chiara presentazione e spiegazione di alcuni trucchi con la carta davvero sconcertanti :

  • IL MISTERO DELLA CARTA CINESE ( Carta strappata e ricomposta)
  • INVERNO CINESE (La "nevicata" in cui un pezzo di carta viene immerso in un bicchiere di acqua, una volta strizzato, si trasforma in una coreografica...
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Max Holden
Il Manuale Delle Ombre Con Le Mani by Max Holden

Manuale professionale per intrattenitori, presentatori, animatori, presentatori, comici, clown, prestigiatori etc. o semplicemente per divertirsi con gli amici

In questo favoloso ebook trovi tutto, ma proprio tutto, sulle ombre con le mani (dette anche impropriamente "ombre cinesi")

Max Holden fu un noto professionista e scrittore e in quest'opera ti mette in grado di costruire uno spettacolo completo professionale con l'uso sollo delle tue mani e di un fascio di luce. Anche se non sei un professionista ma vuoi solo far divertire i tuoi amici o i bambini, troverai eccezionale questo manuale....

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Henri Decremps
La Magie Blanche Dévoilée by Henri Decremps

Ou explication des Tours surprenant qui font depuis peu l'admiration de la Capitale et de la Province.

Cet ebook contient Supplément à La magie blanche dévoilée.

1792, 400 pages.

★★★★★ $20
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Henri Decremps
Codicille de Jérome Sharp by Henri Decremps

Où l'on trouve, parmi plusieurs Tours dont il n'est point parlé dans son Testament, diverses Récréations relatives aux Sciences and Beaux-Arts.

1793, 248 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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James Alan
Seventeen Secrets Volume 2 by James Alan

[Seventeen refers to "IBM Ring 17". There are eleven items in the ebook.]

Seventeen Secrets Volume 2 includes a mixture of close up and stand-up, magic and mentalism with cards, money, cell phones and markers as well as previously unpublished stories from the road. The material is suitable for formal and impromptu performances and covers a range of difficulty.

  • Impossible Killer: Bill Abbott
  • Bill in Melon: James Alan
  • Lie Detector: Denis Behr
  • Three Card Monte: Eugene Burger
  • Cell Mate: Alain Choquette
  • Magic and Monkeys: Matt DiSero
  • Lost Luggage: Tina Lenert
  • Trinado: Chris Mayhew
  • The Diagonal Palm Smith: Ricky Smith
  • Forensic Specialist: Rob Testa
  • Timecap:...
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James Alan
Seventeen Secrets Volume 1 by James Alan

[Seventeen refers to "IBM Ring 17". There are nine items in the ebook.]

Released to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Club (founded in 1942), this ebook contains contributions from the lecturers and speakers who presented at the club during the 2011-12 season. Material varies from simple to advanced, impromptu, close-up, mentalism and stage including cards, coins, iPads and band-aids.

  • Inflated (Canadian) Transposition: Joshua Jay
  • Fear and Loathing in Hong Kong: Richard Forget
  • Band-Aid: Michael Weber
  • Hold the Prosciutto: Matthew DiSero
  • Guestimation: Will Houstoun
  • Psycho2Metry: James Alan
  • Musical ESP: Murray Hatfield
  • Password Projected: James Biss
  • That's What Key Said:...
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Werner C. (Dorny) Dornfeld/Dornfield
Dorny on Trix by Werner C. (Dorny) Dornfeld/Dornfield

A delightful ebook of usable material by a truly great name in magic. A special feature is the chapter on appropriate magical music with titles and suggestions.

  • The Dorny Story
  • Dorny Says
  • Number One
  • The Giant (?) Memory
  • Dorny On The Invisible Pass
  • A Cardini Special
  • One Of My Favorites
  • A Tantalizing Puzzler
  • One With A Glass Of Beer
  • Another Of My Favorites
  • The Sniff Card Trick
  • Spectacular Bar Trick
  • Two Pencil Gags
  • The "Nerve" Card Trick
  • The Vanishing Card
  • The Telephone Card Trick
  • A Good Sucker Trick
  • Dorny's Hilarious Mind Reading Act
  • Where Is It?
  • The Phoenix Restored Paper ...
★★★★★ $7.95
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 19: Werner Miller Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

Werner Miller is certainly one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • IN MEDIO: You reveal a freely selected symbol in a very dramatic way.
  • ESP ROLL: You flip and roll cards on each other until one card is face up and it matches a freely selected one.
  • NEIGHBORLY HELP: After a spectator freely picks an ESP card, he eliminates all but one card and it matches the selection.
  • ESPECIAL COUNTDOWN: A matching symbol routine using a freely selected number by a spectator.
  • ESP SANDWICH: Two cards trap a symbol...
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MP4 (video)

Lewis Ganson
A Magician Explains by Lewis Ganson

This ebook contains routines by

CHARLES HARRISON. Member of the Inner Magic Circle, London. A fine performer who is a master at devising magic dependent upon subtle ideas and misdirection. His "Marvellous Marbles" is one of the finest close-up routines it has been Lewis Ganson's privilege to witness.

HARRY G. FRANKE of America who is well known for the clever ideas he has given to the magical fraternity through the pages of JEAN HUGARD'S excellent monthly magazine. "The Vanishing Lady" described herein is a terrific effect brought about with - just three cards.

CY ENDFIELD. Well known Film Director...

★★★★★ $6
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