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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Bob Farmer
Bammo 666 by Bob Farmer

A couple of years ago, at the Genii and 31 Faces North conventions, I was showing some in-the-hands packet effects that used a new technique and getting amazed reactions quite out of proportion with what I expected. Though I reckoned I had little chance of fooling the cognoscenti with what I was doing (because the new technique was so simple), I noticed a lot of jaws dropping and exclamations of "Whoa!" as I demoed the effects, so I knew I'd hit on something really deceptive.

In one effect, the Ace, 2, 3 and 4 first turn face up, then, one by one, they all turn face down. Counted again, each...

★★★★★ $20
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Brian T. Lees
The Magic Trunk by Brian T. Lees

A method of transport and performance for pack small/play big with one trip to and from the car. Customize the interior of the trunk for your specific magic and use it while you perform.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages.

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Dave Arch
Let's Fake A Deal by Dave Arch

As you might be able to tell from my other writings, I thoroughly enjoy collecting and creating generic methods that are customizable to a wide variety of themes and audiences. Let's Fake A Deal has proven itself on many occasions to fit that description.

Although technically it's a minimal prep and 100% no-sleight method for the classic Bank Night premise, I've customized it through the prizes I give away (and don't give away) and by what I write on the outside of the large #10 business envelopes. I've had single words written on the envelopes, and I've had a phrase written on the envelopes...

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Lloyd E. Jones
The Dime and Penny by Lloyd E. Jones

Twenty-five excellent tricks are concisely explained by Lloyd E. Jones for this excellent piece of mechanical coin magic. Nicely illustrated, too. The Dime and Penny ebook makes an old trick modern and definitely establishes it as one of the classics of magic.

No difficult sleights are required, no bulky apparatus, every move is described. You'll deceive your friends for days on end with the excellent magic effects possible with this one piece of mechanical magic. It's doubtful that any book devoted to a single pocket trick has ever featured such good magic as is given in this book.


★★★★★ $4
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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 02 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 2. Ausgabe:

  • Inhalt:
  • Fingerprint Card Trick
  • Boxed Transposition (neue Version!)
  • Idee zum Kaps $11 Bill Trick
  • Greene Karten
  • Ice Shuffle
  • Killer Kiwi
  • Tamariz Deck (1)

Erstausgabe 2019, 9 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 01 by Alexander de Cova

Die erste Ausgabe ist fertig. Geplant sind vorerst 52 Ausgaben (52 Karten im Spiel + 2 Joker). Du kannst dich also gewissermaßen ein volles Jahr von mir mit zauberischer Unterhaltung versorgen lassen.

Inhalt der 1. Ausgabe:

  • Matchblock II
  • Kartenforce für Comedy Prediction
  • Universelles Lapping Gimmick
  • Boxing OKITO
  • Karte in Brieftasche
Das Solidmagic Magazin wird in zwei Versionen verschickt: einmal als interaktives PDF und zum anderen im EPUB 3 Format. Um es zu lesen, brauchst du für das PDF den Acrobat Reader oder einen entsprechenden PDF-Viewer, der interaktive Inhalte darstellen...
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Mike Porstmann
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 20: Ketten Schwindel by Mike Porstmann

Techniken und Routinen mit der "Endlosen Kette".

  • 1. Die einfache Acht
  • 1. 1. Die "echte" Acht
  • 1. 2. Die "falsche" Acht
  • 1. 3. Routinen mit der einfachen Acht
  • 2. Die Blume
  • 2. 1. Die "echte" Blume
  • 2. 2. Die "falsche" Blume
  • 2. 3. Routine mit der Blume
  • 3. Die Meister - Acht
  • 3. 1. Die linke Schlaufe gewinnt, die rechte verliert
  • 3. 2. Beide Schlaufen verlieren
  • 3. 3. Die rechte Schlaufe gewinnt, die linke verliert
  • 3. 4. Beide Schlaufen gewinnen
  • 3. 5. Der Meister-Griff
  • 3. 6. Routine mit der Meister-Acht
  • 1. Die Knotenbefreiung
  • 2. Die Ringbefreiung
  • 3....
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Dave Arch
Alphabet Soup by Dave Arch

Many have seen this classic observation test. The rules are simple. Read through the paragraph in the logo only once - counting the number of F's in the paragraph.

Most will find three F's. Some might even find six. Few will find all of them. And there are some very good reasons for that explained in this release. When understood, you'll be able to create your own paragraph to market your show in a manner that others just might keep to show others.

1st edition 2019, 1 page.

★★★★ $0
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Collins Pentz
Stage Tricks Illusions and Escapes by Collins Pentz

From the preface:

To nearly every present day magician all these tricks will be new, as it was fifteen to twenty years ago that they appeared in The Eagle Magician. These tricks have been carefully selected from nearly six volumes of this valuable little magazine and accurately revised and condensed to fill this valuable book. But few of the old-timers and collectors have any of these magazines, so to the present day magi's they will be an invaluable addition to their act.

In the old days smokers used to roll their own. Today many magicians like to make their own; "Magic Tricks", To fill...

★★★★★ $5
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Eddie Joseph
A Magician Goes To Dinner by Eddie Joseph

From the introduction:

The tricks described here are for "extempore" showing. They have been specially developed for entertaining fellow diners, within watching distance, around a banquet or dinner table.

To perform "extempore" is not the same as giving a show on the stage. In one's regular program everything is premeditated. Performing to a group around the table is different. To begin with, the tricks must be of the type that could be worked without much ado. They must be short and spontaneous. They must be worked in an "off-hand" manner. Finally, not only in character but in appearance...

★★★ $6
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Stewart Judah & John Braun
Subtle Problems You will Do by Stewart Judah & John Braun

This is a work mostly of card magic, but not exclusively so. It has some photos and some illustrations by Sid Lorraine. From the introduction by H. Adrian Smith:

Having been one of the first to read the present material, and having seen most of it presented by the authors, I can assure the reader that he is in for a treat. However, if he simply glances through the book, he may be justified when he believes that he has not received his money’s worth. This is one book that must be read with care, for it must be borne in mind that both authors are masters in the art of minute detail, and if one does not absorb the details...

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Wilbur Kattner
You're On! by Wilbur Kattner

Here are not one, but two, fully routined magic acts that are commercial and different. They work equally well for the one- or two-person show. Each of the routines is a complete unit, with effects that lead up to a definite climax. Patter, music cues, stage movements and rehearsal suggestions are included. You also get standalone effects, new wrinkles for established effects, and additional patter and bits of business to add to your show.


THE RESTLESS COLORS (Orville Meyer) is a routine on par with "Out Of This World." It is guaranteed to leave magicians and laymen in a daze. It...

★★★★ $4
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Ken Allen
Pilfered Patter 1.5 by Ken Allen

People who know comedy recommend Ken Allen's Pilfered Patter as the book to get. Don Lawton, Bill Larsen Jr., John Braun and other professional entertainers and comedy writers raved about the material in Pilfered Patter No. 1. But we didn't stop there. Introducing Pilfered Patter 1.5, the new and improved ebook of comic monologues, one- and two-liners, gags, jokes and funny stories to intersperse during or between effects in your routine.

Nothing is off limits - not even sex - which is why this ebook carries a warning that it may not be appropriate for those under 17 years of age. (There's...

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Dave Arch
Under the Spell by Dave Arch

Many magicians are familiar with Jim Steinmeyer's most excellent Nine Card Trick. However, not as many are aware of the precursor that used an entire (or nearly full) deck to have various audience members spell personal information and still find the selected card!

My favorite place to use this routine is when sitting at a table when the deck can be passed around the table with up to six different people participating in the process of selecting, losing and then finding the card. Follow the instructions, and the magic works itself.

1st edition 2018, 2 pages.

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Alexander de Cova
Arbeitsbuch Becherspiel by Alexander de Cova

Dieses E-Buch schliesst eine Lücke in Sachen Becherspiel und stellt gleichzeitig die Arbeitsgrundlage für meinen Becherspiel-Workshop dar. Routinen, Ideen und Variationen gibt es mehr als genug in der Literatur. Was jedoch bisher in deutscher Sprache etwas zu kurz kam, waren detaillierte Beschreibungen der korrekten und notwendigen Griffe und Techniken, die man für ein Becherspiel braucht.

In diesem neuen eBuch erfährst du die Techniken, die ich seit über 30 Jahren verwende. Es geht um die drei wesentlichen Bestandteile beim Becherspiel:

  1. Verschwindegriffe
  2. Laden und Stehlen der kleinen...
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Alexander de Cova
Arbeitsbuch Notizen Optimieren by Alexander de Cova

Im Laufe der Jahre konnte ich bei meinen Seminarvorträgen und Workshops immer wieder beobachten, wie Notizen aufgeschrieben werden. Dabei fiel mir auf, dass viele Zauberfreunde offenbar kein bestimmtes System zum Aufschreiben der Notizen hatten.

Mit dieser neuen Publikation stelle ich dir mein persönliches System zu diesem Thema vor. In diesem Crashkurs stelle ich dir meine Erfahrungen und Tipps zur Verfügung. Wenn du dieses Buch durchgearbeitet hast, wirst du in der Lage sein, das Optimum aus den Zauberbüchern und DVDs für dich herauszuholen.

Zeit ist die wohl kostbarste Ressource,...

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H. F. C. Suhr
Der Zauberkünstler / Das Grosse Buch der Zauberkunst by H. F. C. Suhr

Zuerst 1897 als Der Zauberkünstler herausgebracht. Dann 1903 als Das Grosse Buch der Zauberkunst nachgedruckt.

Eine Sammlung neuer verschiedenartiger und überraschender Zauber- und Kartenkunststücke mit Beschreibung der wichtigsten magischen Kunstgriffe. Am Ende finden sich auch Erklärungen zu Falschspielermethoden. Als besonders erwähnenswert sind die Methoden für den Kugelfang.

  • Vorwort
  • Erster Abschnitt. Die magische Kleinkunst.
    • 1. Der Zauber-Sekretär.
    • 2. Einen Theekessel mit siedendem Wasser auf der bloßen Hand zu tragen.
    • 3. Der wahrsagende Spiegel.
    • 4. Das hypnotisierte...
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Karrell Fox
My Latest Book by Karrell Fox

From the Foreword by Bill Wells:

In 1945 (at the age of 17), Karrell became one of the first magicians to ever appear at a trade show. This first effort led to what is perhaps the most successful trade show/magic association in the history of magic with Karrell being the first magician to appear at a national automobile show. There followed 22 years of appearances on these shows.

This early association also led to Karrell being the first magician to appear in shopping malls and the production of the highly successful "Magic World of Ford." The three million dollar production, with six...

★★★★ $20
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Paul A. Lelekis
Even More Of My Favorites by Paul A. Lelekis

Learn Paul's new Muscle Pass in 10 seconds.

Two of Paul Lelekis' best-selling e-books, My Favorites and My Favorites II, prompted yet another book of superb effects: Even More Of My Favorites

Many pictures and two videos teaching The New Muscle Pass. Mentalism, card magic, a brilliant assembly, ESP, Torn & Restored (two different tricks!), a coin technique, and lots of comedy. All patter is included. Plus two bonuses:

1) The new Muscle Pass. You're gonna love this. Learn the secret to this New Muscle Pass in just 10 seconds - not 10 months...that's what I said...learn it in 10 seconds. And the coin will "fall...

★★★★★ $12
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Joe Stuthard
Stuthard's Svengali Subtleties by Joe Stuthard

An excellent work on the Svengali Deck, including drawings and photos.

  • Mechanics Of Svengali Deck
  • Handling The Svengali Deck
  • Main Points To Remember
  • Running The Cards
  • Double Lift
  • The Riffle Shuffle
  • The Overhand Shuffle
  • The Fan
  • The Spread
  • The Drop
  • Effects With Svengali Deck
  • Stabbing Trick No. 1
  • Stabbing Trick No. 2
  • Stuthard’s Svengali Subtlety
  • Methods Of Switching Deck To Ordinary Cards
  • Suggested Routine With The Svengali Deck
  • Finally

1st edition 1948, 15 pages; PDF 13 pages.

★★★★★ $8
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Charles C. Eastman
Lu-Brent's Exclusive Card Mysteries by Charles C. Eastman
  • Introduction
  • Thought Spelling
  • Move Two Cards
  • You Selected the - -?
  • Lu-Brent's Mental Card Mystery
  • A Card Sympathy
  • Lu-Brent's Reversed Card Location
  • Lazybones
  • Lu-Brent's Count Down Mystery
  • Lu-Brent's Matching the Aces
  • The Siamese Pack
  • Shark Food
  • The Coins and Card Mystery
  • Think? - Stop
  • The Suit & Value Coincidence
  • A Card Prediction

1st edition 1934, 19 pages; PDF 23 pages.

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Dave Arch
Electronic Buzz Box by Dave Arch

Although you can find versions of these Electronic Monte boxes for sale on magic websites, I could not find one large enough for my needs nor one that included a buzzer (not just a light). So I built my own. In spite of the fact that my electronic knowledge only involves the ability to insert a plug into an outlet, I built my own the first time in under an hour for around $20.

The premise is simple. From among multiple buttons, you win if you can find the button that lights the light and sets off the buzzer. With the diagram included in my instructions you aren't limited to only three buttons...

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Dave Arch
Magic Kits For Everyone by Dave Arch

Differentiating your show in the magic market on something other than price can be a constant challenge. Here's one strategy Dave Arch has used successfully throughout his career. Imagine being able to offer a free Magic Kit for everyone in your audience and then teaching them three magic tricks they can use to amaze and amuse their family and friends. In this fifteen minute video, Dave shares with you how he builds his kits for around fifteen cents apiece, the three tricks he teaches, as well as how he routines and presents those tricks in his show.

1st edition 2018, length 15 minutes 53...

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ken Allen
Tips by Ken Allen

On a budget? Can't find audience-friendly magic at the magic shop? Then build your own with this great collection of 52 magic tips, ideas, patter and suggestions (or in other words, T.I.P.S.)

Even if you're all thumbs, the author's clear descriptions and illustrations makes it easy to craft amazing effects, props and utility items. He also reveals the source of an incredible building material, as well as finishing tips.

Magic reviewers, dealers and magicians everywhere all agree that TIPS contains the largest collection of new, easy to make practical magic than books five times the price....

★★★★ $6
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