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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Brian T. Lees
Cold Calls for Performance by Brian T. Lees

An approach to turn drive by cold calls into contracts for performances.

The hardest part of promoting our magic is making cold calls. As part of business, cold calls are done to get our name out. The goal is to prompt hiring committees/individuals to reach out to us before they open the doors to floods of entertainers searching for work.

This text will provide sample approaches, materials you need on hand and ways to introduce yourself to organizations. The focus is on your information and potentials your magic can support/enhance their events. A good cold call will place you in front...

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Burling Hull
Last Word Blindfold Methods by Burling Hull

Over $500 of professional mentalists' blindfold secrets are divulged in this insider's publication. The use of a blindfold adds a flair of mystery and showmanship to any mental or psychic presentation. It lends a dramatic touch that makes the audience sit up and pay attention. An astounding twelve different blindfolds are revealed -fourteen methods in all, making this one of the most complete compendiums on this subject ever to be assembled.

Explained are methods used by stage mentalists, club entertainers, psychic "office" workers and phony mediums to present "eyeless vision", "seeing with...

★★★★★ $8
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Bob Cassidy
Un Viaje por la Cuarta Dimensión by Bob Cassidy

Como Bob Cassidy escribe, quizás el "Viaje por la cuarta dimensión", basado en una invención de Theodore Annemann, sea uno de los mejores efectos de todos los tiempos: tres espectadores escriben otras tantas informaciones que nadie más puede conocer y sellan sus papeles en sendos sobres. El mentalista, mediante su concentración, es capaz de leerles la mente sin fallar. Y, por primera vez en este efecto, todos se pueden llevar sus papeles a casa de recuerdo si quieren.

Este libro es posiblemente el más completo en la materia: el estudio en profundidad incluye la historia del efecto y...

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Orville Wayne Meyer
Telepatia in Azione by Orville Wayne Meyer

(contiene note e saggio a cura di Matteo Filippini)

"Telepatia In Azione" è un libro straordinario, divenuto un vero e proprio classico per 'pochi eletti' nel campo del mentalismo. Si tratta di un numero di telepatia, in cui si fa uso di una particolare 'ipnosi/non ipnosi': infatti, benché non venga assolutamente utilizzata o nominata l'ipnosi nel corso dell'esibizione, gli effetti sono in tutto e per tutto simili a quelli di uno spettacolo di ipnosi da scena. Il tutto però viene presentato come 'condizionamento' mentale.

Ecco alcuni degli straordinari effetti possibili:

  • Uno spettatore tocca la...
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Bob Cassidy
Destrezza nel Mentalismo by Bob Cassidy

Dall'introduzione del libro:

"Perciò che mi riguarda la destrezza di mano (o qualsiasi altro altro artificio del genere) ha un solo scopo: stabilire con convinzione una falsa premessa che ritengo essere il fondamento di tutte le illusioni e gli inganni convincenti. Più tale premessa viene stabilita in modo convincente, più incredibile apparirà di conseguenza l'effetto.

Le sottigliezze e gli approcci psicologici del mentalismo possono, quando arricchite dalla destrezza di mano, fornire immediatezza e chiarezza all'effetto che, così spesso, manca nelle routine mentali. Il fatto che...

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Bob Cassidy
Il Pendolo del Destino by Bob Cassidy

Tutto ciò che avete bisogno di sapere sul pendolino:

  • Il principio del movimento ideomotorio
  • rabdomanzia col pendolino
  • Utilizzo del pendolino nel mentalismo
  • Il pendolino orizzontale
  • Mikame Blue
  • Flipchips
  • Un topo nel deserto
Traduzione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini

1a edizione 2004, edizione italiana 2019. 22 pagine

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Bob Cassidy
Tecniche con L'unghia Scrivente by Bob Cassidy

Lo "Swami Gimmick" conosciuto anche come "Nail Writer", "Thumb Writer", "Ghost Writer" e "Medium's Secret Device" è stato spesso considerato come uno dei dispositivi più utili di tutto il mentalismo. E lo è di sicuro, ammesso che nessuno sappia che il mentalista ne stia facendo uso.

Sebbene l’esistenza dello Swami sia ampiamente nota, pochissimi performers lo usano davvero regolarmente e ancora di meno hanno imparato ad usarlo a regola d’arte.

Usato a dovere, anche coloro che hanno sentito parlare di unghia scrivente (o “quel pezzetto di mina sotto l’unghia del pollice”)...

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Don Bursell
The Creative Mind by Don Bursell

With 1000s of magic routines available, why do many magician's perform the same routines, without any change, modification or effort to make those routines unique?

The Creative Mind is simply Don Bursell's ideas for creating new routines, brainstorming new variations, and keeping track of those ideas.

The 2nd half are tricks that Don has created over the years, and based on advice from Jon Racherbaumer, wrote them down so as not to forget them. One of them, Headmover, has been an odd signature piece of Don's programs for over 20 years. Another routine, The Needles, is Don's solution to the East Indian...

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Ralph W. Hull & Nelson C. Hahne
Modernism in Pasteboard by Ralph W. Hull & Nelson C. Hahne

The inventor of the "Mental Photography Deck" and one of magic's best illustrators teamed up to provide this outstanding collection of 11 stunning card and mental effects.

The experts agree, this is one book you can't afford to pass up. Ralph W. Hull's thorough explanations guide the reader through a series of clever card routines. This guidebook introduced artist Nelson Hahne's "Magical Map" concept of using his excellent pen-and-ink drawings to thoroughly explain the subtleties of the various moves and handlings.

Not just for card workers, Hull's "Animated Chalk Marks" effect will also...

★★★★★ $6
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Brick Tilley
Crumbz by Brick Tilley

Rene Lavand became known around the world for his version of this classic "Two in the hand, One in the pocket" sequence. Using only one hand, a few small balls of some soft substance and a lone coffee cup, he was able to fool and entertain all types of spectators for decades. This, then, is a streamlined, shortened version lasting less than a minute. It plays up the surprises without becoming monotonous. It can be performed silent or using brief patter.

EFFECT: Three small pieces of foam rubber are used along with a coffee cup. Two of the foam balls are placed into the cup. The remaining...

★★★★★ $10
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Grant Stuart & Chris Wasshuber
Perpetual Calendar on a Sticker by Grant Stuart & Chris Wasshuber

Quickly find the weekday to any date between 1500 and 2299.

You will receive a perpetual Gregorian calendar, covering the years from 1500 - 2299, which is printed on one self-adhesive label of size 2.25" x 4" (54 mm x 100 mm). Below the calendar table are the instructions in three lines of text. If you do not need the instructions simply cut them off.

The sticker fits nicely on a case for a deck of playing cards, with the instruction portion bent over the lower edge. (See the photo.) Thus, the calendar fits without the instructions on the back of a poker-size playing card. The calendar...

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Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof September 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Lecture Overstock
  • Referrals
  • Identify Discounts
  • Marketing 80/20 Average
  • Drama Coach Help
  • Marketing 5 X
  • Marketing Materials
  • Ball and Vase How I got Started
  • Deal or No Deal

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★ $0
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 20 (March 1988 - February 1989) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Magneskill / Tan Choon Tee
  • Triple Divination / Tan Choon Tee
  • Cards to Pocket / Peter Warlock
  • Fortunato 5 / Peter Warlock
  • Venue, Date and Resources / Ian Adair
  • The Albakarlisle Card-Stab Routine / Stanton Carlisle

No. 2
  • Ian Adiar Issue
  • Flashback over the Years
  • News Bits
  • Polo Mint Just Chance - Again
  • Backward Vision
  • Twin Book Test
  • Time Factor
  • Another Last Card
  • Ten Out of Ten
  • Slately Mysterious
  • Circular Colour Force

No. 3
  • Eddie Malcolm Davison - Biographical Notes
  • Six Coin Repeat
  • Scientific Sorcery Jr.
  • Crystal Aide Memoire
  • Selling the Act
  • Improved Masterpiece ...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 19 (March 1987 - February 1988) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • The "Hey Presto" Caper / Jack Avis
  • Bolivian Chance / Peter Warlock
  • The Body Snatchers / Lyndon B. Wainwright
  • Out of Cards? Way Out! / Stanton Carlisle
  • Scientific Rope / John P. Hamilton
  • More Magic Ian's Ideas: Little and Large / Ian Adair
  • Mark Your Words / Ian Adair

No. 2
  • Two from Jack / Jack Avis
  • Unites States of Magic / Stanton Carlisle
  • Japanese Magic / Ishi Black
  • Rescue to Rescue / Peter Warlock
  • Button-Up / Ian Adair

No. 3
  • A Poker Player's Picnic / Stanton Carlisle
  • Cut Throat 2 / Peter Warlock
  • Adair-Ities: Every Word - Every Page Book Test / Ian Adair ...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 18 (March 1986 - February 1987) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Half Staggered / Dr. H. N. Harley
  • An Opening for an Envelope Idea / Ian Adair, Robert Harbin
  • Thought-Flight / Stanton Carlisle
  • More Magic Ian's Ideas: A Do-As-I-Do Ribbon Effect / Ian Adair
  • Again a Look at the Marlo Theme / Peter Warlock
  • Early Harbin: Hammatap / Peter Warlock, Robert Harbin
  • Kismet / Will Dexter

No. 2
  • The Z' Factor / Peter Warlock
  • The Mystery of the Writing Pad / John Brearley
  • More Magic Ian's Ideas: Line-Up Just Chance / Ian Adair
  • Travelling Stickers / Tan Choon Tee

No. 3
  • Tribute to Harry Stanley
  • Magical Endings for a Puzzle / Jack Avis
  • Out...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 17 (March 1985 - February 1986) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Peter Warlock Tribute Issues
  • Arithmomancy / L. De Bevere
  • Palette Blendo / Michael Symes
  • The Ultimate 3 Card Prediction / Dr. Nicholls Harley
  • A Christianer Conception / Nicholls Harley
  • The New Perfect Matching / Paul Flory
  • A Tune for Peter Warlock / Stanton Carlisle
  • Hidden Identity / Arthur Setterington
  • Another Slate-Writing Method / Robert Parrish

No. 2
  • Mr. Colman (or Green) and The Red-Head / Alfred Gabriel
  • Further Ideas for the Cups and Balls / Michael Seacome
  • The Arabian Three Card Trick / Bill Shew An
  • Colour Caprice / Stanton Carlisle
  • ESP Miracle / Royal V. Heath ...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 16 (March 1984 - February 1985) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • The Card You Took Before You Picked The One You Chose / Jon Racherbaumer
  • The Annemann Torn Card Method / Theo Annemann
  • A Chance In Four / Jack Avis
  • Slates / Peter Warlock
  • Take an Advertisement / Peter Warlock

No. 2
  • Rovfs Quick on the Draw / Alan Kennaugh
  • The Cap and Pence / Eric de la Mare
  • Rosareveal / Phil Goldstein
  • Back to Devant / Peter Warlock
  • Vulcan / Peter Warlock
  • Vocal-Vibro / Orville Meyer

No. 3
  • Max Malini
  • Eric de la Mare
  • Future Tense / Howard A. Adams
  • Reputation Maker / Stanton Carlisle
  • Cone and Colour-Changing Ball / Michael Symes

No. 4 ...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 15 (March 1983 - February 1984) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Thoughts on Take Three / Jack Avis
  • Adair Devils / Ian Adair
  • Quick Turnover / James Douglas
  • Mirror Thought Again / Peter Warlock
  • Aces - Red or Blue / Francis Haxton
  • Pentachoice / Peter Warlock
  • Sympathy in Red / Peter Warlock

No. 2
  • Forklift / Ken de Courcy
  • Adair Devils: Crossed Purposes / Ian Adair
  • Bohlendo in Silk / Peter Warlock
  • Dinner Time Dollar / John Brown Cook
  • Take It Or Leave It / Al Koran
  • Simplex Stranger / Peter Warlock

No. 3
  • George Blake on Bohleno
  • Adair Devils: The Leader of the Pack / Ian Adair
  • News Flash / Arthur Setterington
  • Hopscotch Deception...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 14 (March 1982 - February 1983) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Close-Up Version of Peter Warlock's Classic Ring and Rope Release / Les Sunderland
  • Alternative Ending for Peter Warlock's Classic Ring Release / Les Sunderland
  • Rupert and Stella / Peter Warlock
  • Two Card Change Routine / Remo
  • A Set of Setterington's / Arthur Setterington
  • A Comedy Version of Paul Morris' Let the Audience Do the Work / T. Bridge

No. 2
  • A Warlocks Second Prediction / E. Malcolm Davison
  • A Set of Setterington's / Arthur Setterington
  • Trapped / Francis Haxton
  • The Astronaut / Marconick
  • The Slate Syndrome / Floyd Thayer, Peter Warlock

No. 3
  • Five by Five...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 13 (March 1981 - February 1982) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Pentamonition / Phil Goldstein
  • Murder by Suggestion / Lyndon B. Wainwright
  • Esplate / Peter Warlock
  • Aces for Connoisseurs Again / H. Nicholls Harley
  • Early Stewart James Famous Folk Test
  • Thanks to Stewart James / Peter Warlock

No. 2
  • Poor Man's Fred / Jack Avis
  • Let's Choose A Word / James Douglas
  • Legerdebrain 2 / H. Nicholls Harley
  • Legerdebrain / Peter Moffat
  • Prelude to Book of the Mind / Peter Warlock
  • Oscar Paulson's Last Letter
  • The Million Dollar Mystery, Holborn Empire 1928

No. 3
  • Colours and Coins / Peter Warlock
  • The Extraordinary Rising Cards / Peter Warlock ...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 12 (March 1980 - February 1981) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Murder by Suggestion / Stewart James
  • The Curse of Dracula / Arthur Setterington
  • Surprise by the Numbers / Phil Goldstein
  • Close-Up Fishing / Edward Bagshawe
  • Precog Speller 1980 / Peter Warlock
  • Round Five / Phil Goldstein
  • Rope Revels / Leslie May
  • Horace Goldin: The Merry Magician

No. 2
  • The Multiple D. J. Knot / Phil Willmarth
  • Everywhere and Nowhere Simplified / Dr. Nicholls Harley
  • John Brearley's Writing Pad Mystery
  • ESP Count / Leslie May
  • Doubly Impossible / Michael Symes
  • A Routine for Rule-It / Jack Avis
  • Prince Kuroki

No. 3
  • Laced / John A. M. Howie
  • The Witch...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 11 (March 1979 - February 1980) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Second Choice / Gus Southall, Francis Haxton
  • The Ring Express / Peter Warlock
  • Tri-Mental / Stan Lobenstern
  • Dexter and a Very Old Trick / Peter Warlock
  • U.F. Grant's "Two Deck Card Trick" / Peter Warlock
  • Herbert Brooks

No. 2
  • Mirrors, Mirrors, 'Tell me True' / Michael Symes
  • Louis Nikola's Croquet Trick / Peter Warlock
  • Double Digital Divination / Paul Flory
  • I'll Get Your Number / Doug Alker
  • Truly Pseudo-Psychometry / Peter Warlock
  • Takase - The Japanese Magician

No. 3
  • Money, Money, Money / Arthur Setterington
  • Still Five Thoughts Ahead / Peter Warlock
  • Cleaning...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 10 (March 1978 - February 1979) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Blind Man's Bluff / Doug Alker
  • The Wishing Well / Jesse Schimmel
  • The Snowman / Woodhouse Pitman
  • The Truly Impromptu Paperback Book Test / Peter Warlock
  • Villiers de Caston: The African Magician

No. 2
  • The Cards Up Sleeve / Hans Trixer
  • Again the Sympathetic Silks / Dr. H. Nicholls Harley
  • Early Harbin: The Tower of Cards
  • A Letter from Phil Goldstein: Contrasting Prediction
  • Chris van Bern: The Surprise Packet

No. 3
  • Alternating Current / Norman Houghton
  • Elment Alism: A Pseudo-Occult Happening / Arthur Setterington
  • Similize / Francis Haxton
  • Chop Bill / Arthur Setterington ...
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Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 9 (March 1977 - February 1978) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Willow Pattern in the Seventies / Peter Warlock
  • Chinese Divining Rods / Jack Avis
  • Addition to Poker Chip Chicanery / J. Dem Aline
  • What the? / Ronnie Gann

No. 2
  • Lubor Die Plus / William G. Stickland
  • Untouchable / Arthur Setterington
  • The Card in Balloon
  • Okito Die / C. T. Tadman
  • Combined Book Test and Colour Prediction / Doug Alker
  • Four Coins Across / Paul N. Rylander

No. 3
  • Message from Hades / Jack Avis
  • Secret / Arthur Setterington
  • Evolution of Idea: 1. Out of Sequence / Francis Haxton
  • The Happy Horoscoper / Phil Goldstein
  • Jack's Card in Balloon 2 / Jack Avis ...
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