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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Jon Racherbaumer
All That Jazz by Jon Racherbaumer

Jazz Aces was inauspiciously introduced to the magic world in 1971 when Peter Kane published Another Card Session. It was a fortuitous event because it appeared about the same time the Elmsley Count was gaining favor with magicians from coast to coast. Like weeds in an open field, packet tricks were also popping up everywhere. Furthermore, Kane's routine clarified the transposition aspects of basic Ace Assemblies. Using only 8 principal "players" (cards), his action procedure was simple and direct. Best of all, the final transposition was squeaky clean. As a result it did not take long for Jazz...

★★★★ $15
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Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron
Flash Magic by Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron

There are eight excellent effects in this updated ebook - plus a few variations - that you and your audiences will enjoy. Best of all, most can be made from materials found at discount and dollar stores. For example, Visible Silk Flight is a brilliant routine with a toy pop gun rifle and a colorful silk handkerchief that you can make up yourself. Just as good as a $150 dealer item. Or how about Lantern of the Air, a beautiful floating effect with a candle-lit Chinese paper lantern? You get two methods explained: one using an assistant and a second one for the one-person show. Or if it's comedy...

★★★★★ $4
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Brian T. Lees
Creativity by Brian T. Lees

Everyone has creativity. When you select the color to paint a room, pick out an outfit to wear or the wrapping on a present you are exercising a form of creativity. One only has to recognize that, and learn to develop it. New magic is the result of someone coming up with an idea and developing it into a trick/routine. This ebook identifies creativity and the creative process. I have included a step by step narration of one of my signature tricks "the magical egg tray". The process begins with an initial idea and works through sequential steps to bring the routine to the finish. Creativity, like...

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Satish B
Factory Seconds by Satish B

This is a fun card trick with multiple climaxes. It starts off as a 4-Ace production trick, then it goes wrong as 4 random cards are produced instead of the 4 Aces. Next, these random cards are shown to be predicted on the magician's Facebook page. Not to be outdone, the magician also produces the mates of the 4 random cards. At last, the magician produces the 4 Aces. Of course, the best part is that the deck is face-down almost the entire time and it is handled by the spectator.

1st edition 2020, PDF 8 pages.

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Sultan Orazaly
SRV by Sultan Orazaly

A clever, clean and visual sleight-of-hand disappearance of a finger-ring. A technique with which you can make a ring disappear or you can turn it into a coin. You will need a little practice, but it's worth it.

BONUS EFFECT: Put the ring on the table, cover it with a card and it disappears.

1st edition 2020, length 5:42.

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MP4 (video)

Reinhold Woda
Kartenkunststücke für Kartenkünstler by Reinhold Woda

Dieses Werk, das für jene Liebhaber der Kartenkunst bestimmt ist, welche zumindest die Grundelemente der Kartentechnik beherrschen, enthält in Form eines kompletten Programmes eine Sammlung verblüffender Kartenkunststücke, welche auf einer neuartigen Technik aufgebaut sind und auch sonst vom Hergebrachten abweichen. Die Kunststücke und die zur Anwendung gelangenden, teilweise neuen und teilweise wenig bekannten Kunstgriffe sind sorgfältig und ausführlich beschrieben und durch zahlreiche Abbildungen erläutert.

Aus der Einleitung:

Wie schon sein Titel verrät, wurde dieses Buch nicht...

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Reinhold Woda
Kartenfächer - Fächerkarten by Reinhold Woda

Jeder Kartenzauberkünstler muß im Stande sein einen schönen Fächer zu machen. Hier lernen Sie die Grundtechnik und einige fortgeschrittene Techniken.

  • Der einfache Fächer
  • Das Formen des Fächers
  • Das selbsttätige Schließen des Fächers
  • Der Doppelfächer
  • Die Rosette
  • Der Fächer mit einer Hand
  • Der Riesenfächer

Erstausgabe 1955, 9 Seiten; PDF 14 Seiten.

★★★★★ $6
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The Secret Gate by Dartagnan

The oldest, most pernicious, and insoluble problem in the history of magic was stated best by Henning Nelms, in his 1969 Magic and Showmanship: A Handbook for Conjurers ...

"No matter how astonishing a trick may be, it suffers from one major fault - it has no point."

This ebook is the long-sought-after answer to that statement.

[Please note that access to appendix 11 and 12 requires registration at the author's website.]

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword by Eric Evans
  • Preface
  • A Long Time Ago
  • A Lot of Simple Tricks and Nonsense
  • Best Star Pilot in the Galaxy
  • Scum and Villainy
  • Hokey Religions and Ancient Weapons
  • What Are You Trying To Push on Us
  • Tremor in the Force ...
★★★★★ $20.20
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PH & Mario Tarasini
Blind Flap by PH & Mario Tarasini

There is nothing new when a card visually changes color. The market is flooded with hundreds of visual color changes variations base on a few dozen methods. But what if you can do a visual color change with a coin on top. The same coin on top of a card before and after the card color change. Crazy right? Give yourself a chance and watch the trailer.

[Please note that the video is in Korean with English subtitles. Everything is clearly described visually as well.]

1st edition 2020, video length 29 min.

★★★★★ $14.99
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MP4 (video)

E. W. Bud Morris
Magic with Electronics by E. W. Bud Morris

Bud Morris had a creative mind. In this collection of effects he demonstrates how a bit of electronics allows you to perform miracles and entertain your audience.

  • Bud Morris … Who's He?
  • The Brain Wave Lamp
  • Oriental Caddy
  • Way Out-Er Limits
  • E.S.P. And The Joker Is Wild!
  • Mystic Black Ball
  • Remote Control Table
  • The Wheel Of Thought
  • Skull-Duggery
  • Electronic Equipment
1st edition 1973, 17 pages; PDF 27 pages.
★★★★ $7
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Wesley James
Visible Merger by Wesley James

Wesley James has long been associated with innovative ideas in card magic. His contributions are too numerous to list. They include the Physical Merger plot, best known as "Forgery," and "Anniversary Waltz." Wesley has been holding out on the magic community since the early 1970s. There has been a more advanced, more visually impressive version of the Merger plot, the Visible Merger plot.

In this monograph, for the first time, Wesley is releasing his developments on the Visible Merger plot. You probably won't perform these versions every time you perform his Physical Merger plot - Visible...

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Edwin Hooper & Tommy Windsor
Collected Cartoon Stunts by Edwin Hooper & Tommy Windsor

An easy to do show that you can also perform online and via video-conference. Hints, tips, ideas, novelties, patter, presentation and surprises enabling you to easily present ... a complete lightning cartoon act.

Here is great material, the cream of material collected from several out-of-print publications - over thirty Cartoon stunts plus "How Stage Cartoonists draw their pay" by Tommy Windsor an article that is packed with valuable information and ideas to help you become a Lightning Cartoonist. A feature act for any program. A welcome break in an all-magic show. Skill in drawing is not...

★★★★★ $10
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Robert A. Nelson
Miracles of the Mind Act by Robert A. Nelson

A complete and hard-hitting sensational exhibition of mindreading, mental telepathy and ESP, designed especially for the Club Mentalist. Also suitable for TV and other occasions.

Nelson offered this 20-30 minute act for the equivalent of just under $70 when first released. While that is and was a considerable sum, it's nothing compared to the amount you can earn when you present this unforgettable psychic demonstration.

MASTER EFFECT No. 1. The mentalist borrows a pair of dollar bills from two different spectators. The bills are placed in separate envelopes and left in the possession of...

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Satish B
Four Brides for Four Brothers by Satish B

This is a cheeky trick to perform when there is a request for "one more". The magician starts by telling a story. The spectator gets involved in the action and turns "matchmaker". This trick is free of any sleights. The spectator invariably cuts to the four queens in an impossible way.

The performer removes the four Kings openly and lays them face down next to each other. The deck is shuffled and a card is dealt face down in front of each King. The performer continues to deal cards into four piles. When the spectator stops him, the performer places the face up King on the pile stopped at...

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Sultan Orazaly
Hallucination by Sultan Orazaly

Visual and practical effects are rarely combined into one trick. Hallucination is a very practical and visual trick. Imagine you draw 4 points on a playing card, after which you shake the deck and they line up, and that’s not all, you shake the deck again and the points completely disappear.

1st edition 2020, length 6:27.

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MP4 (video)

Zaw Shinn
Z Change by Zaw Shinn

The Spectator chooses any card from the deck. The magician rips off the corner of that card. One hand wave, and the corner changes color. The magician throws the corner on to the card, the card is restored and the whole card changes color. And that’s not the end. The magician places the card on the deck and the entire deck changes color. Four effects in one trick. (Supplies may have to be purchased in order to perform this effect.)

1st edition 2020, video 17 min.

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MP4 (video)

Reinhold Woda
Kartenkunst für Alle by Reinhold Woda

Aus dem Geleitwort bei Manfred Keck:

Die Auswahl der Kunststücke aus der Fülle des literarischen Materials ist sichtlich darauf angelegt, bei aller Einfachheit nur künstlerisch hochwertige Experimente aufzunehmen. An diesen muß auch der Fachmann seine Freude haben.

Die Reihenfolge der Kunststücke ist so angeordnet, daß je fünf Kunststücke ein kleines Programm bilden. Damit will der Verfasser einem oft beobachteten Fehler entgegenwirken, nämlich dem wahllosen Vorführen. Dies ist erfahrungsgemäß genau so verfehlt wie das Zuviel, und man hüte sich, mehr als fünf oder sechs Kunststücke...

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Reinhold Woda
Für Jeden Etwas by Reinhold Woda
  • Die Sympathie der Karten
  • Das dreifache Problem
  • Der Taschendieb
  • Ein Buchstabierkunststück
  • Die magische Karte
  • Die unfehlbare Prophezeiung
  • Ein guter Wurf
  • Raten Sie!
  • Und wieder - die Asse
  • Ein Zufall

Erstausgabe ~1939, PDF 20 Seiten

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Harry Stanley
More Tricks of the Television Stars by Harry Stanley

From the Foreword:

The present book describes the methods of many wonderful effects, explained in detail by famous exponents of magic, and has been compiled to enable keen students of the art to extend their repertoires and become more skilled in their demonstrations.

A previous book in this series found instant success and increased the knowledge of many potential artists, and this book is now offered in response to a consequent demand for more good tricks.

The student will, therefore, find between these covers new tricks suitable for his work and, with a little patience and practice,...

★★★★★ $12
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Jon Racherbaumer
Trix Fixes by Jon Racherbaumer
    • Copycat Cards
    • Rashomonian Universal Card
    • Counting a Conclave
    • Mine Finds Yours
    • A Narrow Margin
    • Bubkus Divination
    • No-Frills Invisible Toss
    • Changling Sandwich
    • Another Challenge
    • Easy O. Henry
    • Recliner Mind Reader
    • Either-Oracle
1st edition 2020, PDF 39 pages.
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Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1934 by Laurie Ireland

This was Laurie Ireland's first Year Book. Many more would follow. From the introduction:

One of the greatest delights of a magician-mechanic is the invention of a new trick, or a new gimmick, or a new move. On the ensuing pages are the results of hours and hours of experimental work. Everything herein described has been actually built and proved to be practical.

  • Introduction
  • Ireland's Rubber Band Thumb Tie Method
  • A Tip On Tongueing A Cigarette
  • Goofy Deck
  • Troublewit Idea For Children
  • Here There And Everywhere Card Routine
  • More Golf Ball Moves
  • Cups And Balls Moves And Ideas
  • New...
★★★★★ $10
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Robert A. Nelson
Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 6 by Robert A. Nelson

Psychic entertainers, here are six more mentalism treasures for your collection, from the Nelson Enterprises vault. Volume 6 contains six compelling mental magic manuscripts from Robert A. Nelson, William W. Larsen, and R. W. Hull. All were featured in the famous Nelson Enterprises catalog, and have been edited and updated for a new generation of performers and audiences. Here's what's included:

Unique Memory Test - Several spectators shake dice or select cards from a deck. After all have done so, the psychic tells each one the number of cards selected or total of the dice. (NE Cat. #64)

The Abnormal Lift - Three...

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Various Authors
Gold: When it has to be Performance Gold by Various Authors

This is a fundraiser ebook. 100% of the proceeds of this ebook will go to Kennard Chandler and his wife Bean to help them in their personal and financial struggles.

A Who's Who of mentalism has contributed routines from their performing repertoire to make this fundraiser ebook worth your money and time. Not only is it a worthy cause to help support a member of our community, but it is also a great ebook to read, including some routines that were never published before. In other words, it is material you can only learn from this ebook.

  • Introduction by Chandler
  • "Hey Rube!"
  • Act One: Make...
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Tom Sellers
Condensed Conjuring by Tom Sellers
  • The Shooting Pellet
  • Easy Ropes And Rings
  • A Different Ring Release
  • The Milk Goes Down
  • Silks From Confetti
  • Oriental Cut And Restored
  • The T.S. Safety Rice Bowls
  • Think Of A Card
  • A Good Prediction
  • A Novel Colour Change
  • A Different Pass
  • A False Count
  • Matching The Colours
  • Telepathy Simplified
  • Graphology Supreme
  • A Different Stretching Rope
  • Giant Match Trick
  • An Easily Worked "Stung" Trick
  • Sun And Moon
  • Bottle, Glass And Discs

1st edition 1941, 16 pages; PDF 18 pages.

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