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Tony Green
Puppets with Punch by Tony Green

Novel punch and puppet routines.

This ebook is really part 2 of Professional Punch, the first book of novelty puppet routines. If you enjoyed the routines there you will get more here. As before very little script is included, leaving you to adapt the ideas to your own style. All the included routines have been audience tested.

  • Opening Remarks
  • Buzz Buzz the Honey Bee
  • Pop goes the Pudding
  • Katie Caterpillar
  • The Lion Tamer
  • Saucy Sammy Seal
  • Splin Win - the Chinese Magician
  • Lollipops
  • Daphne Duck and Cockie Cuthbert
  • The Boxing Kangaroo
  • The Wrestlers Pete the Pounder v Mick the Mauler
  • Witchy Whoops ...
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Eric Hawkesworth
Rag Picture Shows by Eric Hawkesworth

This is the first ebook to offer a complete course of instruction in preparing and performing rag picture shows, which make a highly entertaining act for the amateur - and professional - conjuror. Rag pictures are composed of shapes cut out of felt, foam plastic, or any other suitable material and placed on a display board covered with black velvet or any other stuff with a surface pile to which the shapes will adhere. A few basic shapes can be used in a remarkable variety of ways; for instance, the handbag which Cinderella takes to the Ball later becomes the skirt of her wedding dress, while...

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Brick Tilley
Baccarat or Blackjack Switch by Brick Tilley

A two card switch for Baccarat or Blackjack that paralyzed casinos in the 80's. As clean a move as you could hope for. Excellent as part of a gambling exposé.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages, video 22 s.

★★★★★ $10
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William W. Larsen & Ormond McGill
Thayer's Vanish of a Girl by William W. Larsen & Ormond McGill

With this method, you can cause a girl to vanish from a nightclub floor.

When this was first introduced, Thayer claimed it was the dream of every magician. We agree. It seems impossible. Perform it on a regular nightclub floor. No stage traps, wings, flies or other conveniences that you'd find in a theater environment. That's what makes this illusion seem so utterly convincing. You even invite a committee of spectators (not stooges) to supervise and ensure that all's fair.

The girl enters a box, sitting atop a four-legged table. The box is lifted from the table and falls to the floor,...

★★★★ $6
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Ken Muller
More Than Adept by Ken Muller

An enhanced pendulum demonstration for a group audience.

A volunteer uses a pendulum to "read the mind" of other spectators with the performer far away.

This demonstration can easily have the greatest impact on a lay audience of any mentalism effect you may ever perform. It is not a demonstration of your psychic skills but of latent talents of each spectator. The purpose is to enhance the perceptual awareness of each spectator, enhance belief in paranormal abilities, engender trust and align group energy and focus. Thus, More Than Adept can serve as a transition from a simple pendulum...

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Unknown Mentalist
Her Majesty Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Her Majesty Deck is named thus because in this stack the Queen is called Her Majesty for an innovative reason. This is a memorized deck that is easier to learn, remember and use than Mnemonica or Aronson stacks. Most probably, you will be able to learn this stack on the same day that you read this manuscript.

The first few cards of Her Majesty Deck are as follows: AC 3D 2D 9H 7H JS 5H KS 4H QD 6S

You can perform almost all the stack-independent memdeck material out there with this deck too.


As a bonus, the Dictum Deck is also included. This is a cyclical stack that...

★★★★ $12
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Brian T. Lees
Make Music Fit Magic by Brian T. Lees

Do not stall and draw out your magic waiting for the end of your music. Do not rush your magic cutting corners and hurrying to fit the music. This text introduces you to the basic functions of music editing. Using music as background, or choreographing a routine to music is possible through editing. Take your show up to the next level using music you edit, to fit your manipulations and performance.

  • Types of music
  • Create your own music
  • Advantages of editing
  • Music editing software
  • Basic overview
  • Cuts, copies, and other editing
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2021, PDF

★★★★★ $15
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Biagio Fasano
Remote Couples ESPeriment by Biagio Fasano

This is a new mentalism effect, that can be performed also at distance (i.e. with Zoom, Skype or Google Meet), in which the illusionist will always be able to guess the ESP symbol shown on a pair of cards kept covered by the spectator's hands, following a series of random shuffles and flipping of the cards.

Key Points:

  1. Completely "hands-off"
  2. Easy and ideal to perform in any situation, including a phone call or a video chat (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.)
  3. The performer does not need to see the cards until the end of the experiment
  4. The cards are not marked in any way, the spectator can even...
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Peter Pellikaan
Water and Oil 1001 by Peter Pellikaan

You show four red nines and four black nines. Then you interleave them openly and fairly one red, one black, one red, one black, a.s.o. into two piles of four cards each. One simple wave of the hand and the colors have separated themselves, one pile has all the red cards, and the other all the black cards.

1st edition 2021, video 3 min 50 s.

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MP4 (video)

Ken de Courcy
Nod ... è Possibile by Ken de Courcy

Ottieni il massimo da un trucco classico. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è un unico pezzo di corda (che può essere preso in prestito) e sei sempre pronto a intrattenere il tuo pubblico. È così piccolo ma ha un effetto così grande. Puoi eseguirlo da vicino o per un grande pubblico. Puoi eseguirlo anche in VIDEOCONFERENZA!

Ottieni il massimo dal “Nodo Impossibile di Hunter” con questa routine del grande Edwin Hooper descritta dall’altrettanto grande Ken De courcy.

"The Impossible Knot", originariamente chiamato "G.W.Hunter's Puzzle Knot", era ben noto ai maghi cinquant'anni fa,...

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Robert Harbin & Ian Adair
Origami Instantaneo by Robert Harbin & Ian Adair

'Origami' è il termine giapponese che indica l’arte del piegare la carta. È un’arte educativa, che richiede una certa capacità ma con cui sicuramente si possono raggiungere bellissimi risultati.

Nel corso del processo creativo, l’artista curva e piega delicatamente la carta, facendo prendere forma a un’intricata figura.

Io e Bob Harbin siamo andati ben oltre. Offriamo ai prestigiatori ORIGAMI ISTANTANEO, che porta agli stessi affascinanti risultati, ma con un interessante tema magico.

La bellezza del trucco sta nella sua semplicità, con vecchi metodi riusati in veste nuova....

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Brick Tilley
The Side Steal by Brick Tilley

This hardcore tool is not an easy thing to acquire. That said, it is, with dedication, within the skill range of anyone willing to devote the time necessary to master it. The drawn-out process of selecting a card has become tedious and time-consuming, causing the audience to lose interest. With this side steal, a card is peeked, transferred from the middle of the pack to the top in an instant. This PDF and video will put the side steal within your skill range.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages, video 39 s.

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Eric Hawkesworth
Making a Shadowgraph Show by Eric Hawkesworth

Some simple hand movements, a linen screen, and a battery-operated projection light are the basic ingredients of an ideal home entertainment. Once learned, all the primary hand shadow effects can be easily adapted to create other figures and characters. These can be still further varied by the use of cardboard cut-out accessories, making possible a whole new range of effects whereby a dachshund can quickly become a crocodile, and a pop-singer change to a policeman.

The author explains, with the help of diagrams, how to make and operate a shadowgraph screen. He describes the basic hand formations,...

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Arnold Furst
Magic for Monsters by Arnold Furst

A classic of routines and advice for working with what some call "the little monsters" (children); now updated for the modern performer. Here's a book for all magicians; whether you specialize in giving kid shows or just want a few new routines that are time tested by this seasoned entertainer. The seventeen tricks are described in complete detail and with every word of patter, including several original comedy routines that offer the maximum in entertainment value and audience response with a minimum of preparation or investment.

The book stresses the psychology and presentation necessary...

★★★★★ $10
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Edwin Hooper
Edwin the Supreme Magician by Edwin Hooper

This is the story of Edwin, told in his own words and recorded by Martin Breese at the Supreme Magic Headquarters in Devon in the late 1970s.

Ian Adair, who provides a 10 min introduction before the interview with Edwin starts, wrote:

Edwin Hooper was a remarkable man. And when I say he spent a lifetime in magic, I really mean that. Day by day, hour by hour he was solely devoted to magic and magicians. He lived for magic. He loved performing and he loved creating magic. He thrilled at manufacturing magical equipment but, like us all, he had his likes and dislikes. Edwin really enjoyed his food....

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Peter Mennie
Sound Advice for Magicians by Peter Mennie

Let's face it, once you step in front of an audience you not only have to be seen, but you have to be heard. And just like the sleight of hand in your show has to be the best it can be, the sound has to be the best it can be as well. Your audiences deserve better than 'it's good enough'.

Sound Advice For Magicians was written out of a lecture I do for magic clubs and clown alleys because I saw too many talented performers bomb in front of audiences because their sound system failed or the people running them were incompetent. In addition to performing full-time for over 40 years (with many...

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Sultan Orazaly
Medium Space by Sultan OrazalyNow you will be able to vanish a coin slowly, and then cleanly reproduce it. No suspicious or quick movements. Easy to do. A clever gimmick, which you can make in a few minutes out of common items, works almost like an invisible third hand.

1st edition 2021, video 9 min 9 s.

★★★ $9
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MP4 (video)

Ian Baxter
Baxter's Ambitious Card by Ian Baxter

A treasured classic in anyone's language, "The Ambitious Card" absolutely runs rings around most other card effects. Of the versions in print, a few too many are on the difficult side, but not this one.

Ian Baxter has finally released his extraordinary version - a streamlined, baffling approach that he has used for decades. And the best part of this? It is, as you might guess, straightforward and undemanding. No more than basic card skills are required ... Hindu Shuffle, Overhand Shuffle, Double Lift, Bluff Pass, very little else. Guaranteed to please!

1st edition 2021, PDF 10 pages.

★★★★ $6
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Ken Muller
Grandma Choice by Ken Muller

A small group mentalism demonstration.

This is a telepathy acuity test for 4-6 participants using colored stones, buttons, dominoes, or any objects of distinct identity. An ideal routine to acquaint spectators with mentalism and telepathic possibilities, leading to more profound experiments.

You orchestrate a demonstration of latent paranormal abilities using simple objects and an innocent random selection process. All participants test their ability in making intuitive guesses as to the location of hidden objects. The results are better than chance and usually very astonishing/profound....

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Peter Pellikaan
Twisting 2 by Peter Pellikaan

You show four nine of hearts face up. Count them again and one has turned face down showing a red back. Count them again and a grey-colored back is showing. Then a gold-colored back. When the fourth turns over, and reveals a green back, all cards are now face down showing four different backs. Then you turn them face up and they are now all queen of spades. You can go again through the same sequence as before, where one card at a time turns face down showing four different backs. The climax is that at the end all four faces have changed to aces.

It is hard to imagine more color changes mixed...

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MP4 (video)

Felipe Suau
Poker Reale (Italian) by Felipe Suau

Uno straordinario effetto di cartomagia in cui gli spettatori vedranno i quattro Fanti voltarsi magicamente di dorso, uno dopo l'altro. Per il climax finale, il mago spiega che a volte, se le carte da Poker vengono usate per la magia, possono accadere cose molto strane: ed ecco che i quattro Fanti si trasformano improvvisamente in una Scala Reale! Un trucco che ha ingannato e stupito sia il pubblico che i maghi. Tutto ciò che serve è una carta speciale, molto facile da reperire. Ma vale davvero la pena. fare questo piccolo sforzo. Viene descritta anche una versione impromptu dell'effetto,...

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Felipe Suau
Poker Royal by Felipe Suau

An extraordinary magic trick in which the spectators will see four jacks turn face down one by one. For the final climax, the magician explains that sometimes, if poker cards are used for magic, very strange things can happen: That's when the four jacks suddenly turn into a Royal Flush. A trick with which I bluffed the audience and magicians. All you need is a special card, which is very easy to find. But this little effort is really worth it.

An impromptu version of the effect is also described, in which the cards from Ace to Four, one at a time, turn face down and then magically transform...

★★★★ $6
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Peter Pellikaan
Ten by Peter Pellikaan

You show four blank cards and one ten of clubs, five cards in total. They all have red backs. Suddenly the ten of clubs has a blue back. Then you fan the remaining four cards and all the blank faces have changed to a royal flush, an ace, king, queen, and jack. The ten completing the royal flush. As a final climax all cards are turned face down and they all have different colored backs.

1st edition 2021, video 2 min 36 s.

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MP4 (video)

Ralph Mayer
Short Changed by Ralph Mayer

A terrific audience participation effect about a famous carnival and con artist swindle. Audiences love tricks with money. They also love to learn about swindles and cons, in order to protect themselves. This effect provides both: entertainment and a lesson.

In this clever routine, you demonstrate how easy it is to swindle the victim out of $10 for a $1 purchase. Not just a trick, but an actual scam that fleeces thousands of people every day. Don't you be one of them!

And, only in this updated edition, we supply camera-ready master images of stage bills that you can use for the effect....

★★★★ $5
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