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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Ken Muller
Single Stone: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

How to use a single object like a walnut to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations, color-changes, productions and vanishes.

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems, and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting.

FOUND - an object from the location: candy, pebble, nut, coffee creamer, etc. Nothing from your person, carried, prepared or gaffed. Just a 'stone' in reference.

IMPROMPTU - in response to a sudden request or chance opportunity.

SINGLE - 15 effects and several...

★★★★★ $12
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Leopold Figner
Offenbarungen aus dem Reiche der Kartenkunst by Leopold Figner

Eine Sammlung 100 auserlesener Kartenkunststücke.

Aus dem Vorwort:

Die außerordentlich günstige Aufnahme, die mein Werk Geheimnisse der Kartenkunst gefunden hat, veranlaßt mich, dem Drängen meiner Zirkelfreunde nachzugeben und in vorliegendem Werk meine bisher sorgsam gehüteten Geheimnisse, zum Nutzen aller Freunde der höheren Kartenkunst, zu veröffentlichen.

Meine Leser finden eine große Anzahl von mir erdachter oder wesentlich verbesserter Kartenkunststücke und wird jeder, sei er Berufskünstler oder Amateur, sehr viele effektvolle, für die große Menge unerklärliche Piecen finden, womit er sein...

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Bob Hummer
Mathematical Three Card Monte by Bob Hummer

An entertaining monte effect where the spectator, not the performer, switches the positions of the cards (which may be borrowed).

Here's another mental stunner by Bob Hummer and it's one of the most baffling he's ever released. Briefly, it can be done with any deck, and only three cards are used - any three cards. The performer does not switch the cards around, as in the regular monte. It's the spectator who mixes the position of the cards - while the performer's back is turned. After the cards are mixed as much as desired, the spectator peeks at one card, remembers it, and then makes a...

★★★★★ $6
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Brian T. Lees
Promote Your Magic Show by Brian T. Lees

Use local free or economical sources to promote your magic and get hired. This text gets you started on listing sources and using a tracking system to track your results. You refer to that system as you adjust your goals into areas that generate more opportunities to get hired.

  • Marketing 101
  • Marketing Tools
  • Marketing Plan
  • Tracking System
  • Wrapping It Up

1st edition 2021, PDF 20 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Ken Muller
Magic Awareness: F.U.N. Presentation Series by Ken Muller

A collection of stories, poems, and reflections about magic - inexplicable phenomena in life that impact our audience, or you as the performer. This can be inspirational or focusing for novices, amateurs, collectors, or professionals. I wrote this a decade ago as a Christmas gift for magic friends around the world, but it could be an ideal gift to others or self at any time.

"This book is written for those who have chosen to make of performance magic something more than an onlooker or student - those called magicians, conjurors, mentalists, illusionists, and magical entertainers (and their...

★★★★ $6
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Regardt Laubscher
One-Liners and Jokes for Kids Parties by Regardt Laubscher

Over 40 one-liners and jokes. Comedy should be used to enhance your magic, as you are not a comedian, but rather an entertainer. But by saying that; can you imagine any performance more entertaining than a comedy magician? I don't think so. This ebook will surely add value to your performance.

One-liners and jokes for:

  1. Arrival
  2. Sit down
  3. Warm-up
  4. Performance
  5. Goodbye

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 pages.

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Joseph B.
Automated ACAAN by Joseph B.

A new strategy to perform the legendary ACAAN effect. A fascinating principle that will allow you to perform a surprising effect without sleight of hand, completely self-working. A deck of cards with some numbers written on the back. One spectator chooses any card, another spectator chooses any number! Joseph B has received excellent feedback from the magic community for this effect.

  • You have all the material at home to construct the deck
  • Easy to reset (5 seconds reset)
  • No gimmick
  • No memory work (no memorized deck)
  • No rough and smooth
  • No sticky stuff

1st edition 2021, video...

★★★★★ $8
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MP4 (video)

Paul A. Lelekis
The Drawing Room by Paul A. Lelekis

6 beautiful effects that are stronger than The Hulk!

When I was a kid, I purchased magic books from the 1800s by Prof. Hoffman, Herrmann, Jean Robert-Houdin, and a host of other magicians who I've never heard of before ... these books were old, with very yellowed, brittle pages, with artwork that was quite intricate and very Victorian.

But what stood out most to me, were how many times these books would mention performing in, or retiring to "the drawing room" ... this term really intrigued me.

These stellar effects within, will "spark" those magical times in your lives that have lasted us for so many years.

Effects: ...

★★★★ $12
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Doug McGeorge
Aether #7: Doug's Streamlined Memorized Deck by Doug McGeorge

Here, Doug MacGeorge presents a streamlined version of his famed "30 Second Memorized Deck." Demonstrate to your audience that you can memorize a deck of cards in about 30 seconds:

  • This all-new version is a perfect mentalism piece for close-up or standup.
  • It uses only half the deck, so it's faster and easier, and it amazes audiences of any size.
  • Required: a deck of cards, which can be borrowed. Also required is the ability to perform basic arithmetic.
NOTE: You will need to mentally add the values of a few cards on the fly. (The arithmetic is basic and fun.) The ability to perform...
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Renzo Grosso
Remote Close Up 1 by Renzo Grosso

During the first lockdown period, we lived separated from the world, connected to friends only with the phone; to please my friends I started looking for effects to be presented remotely to people connected, without phone videoconferencing, so that they can use their deck of cards or objects at their disposal, without my possibility to operate, except by checking the game instructions.

I searched for automatic effects and found principles that in some cases were a few centuries old; others, more recent, often conceived by famous and illustrious names; many of these, when they were published...

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Leopold Figner
Höhere Kartenkunst by Leopold Figner

Hundert erprobte und effektvolle Kartenroutinen. Aus dem Vorwort:

Während der drei Jahre, die seit dem Erscheinen meines letzten Werkes über Kartenkunst verstrichen sind, haben sich mir viele neue Ideen aufgedrängt und ich habe mich entschlossen, diese zu dem vorliegenden Werk zu verarbeiten. Ich hoffe, daß es ebenso günstig aufgenommen wird wie seine beiden Vorgänger, umsomehr, als es ihnen gegenüber eine wesentliche Steigerung bedeutet.

Aus der Einleitung:

In Laien- und teilweise auch in Fachkreisen ist die Ansicht verbreitet, daß es ohne Beherrschung der diversen Kunstgriffe...

★★★★★ $10
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Edward Maurice
Showmanship and Presentation by Edward Maurice

Tips and tricks from a Vaudeville professional including openers, audience appeal, costume, make-up, and a lot more. The ideal is to have a director who pays attention to these areas, but most magicians are performers and directors rolled up into one person. It is therefore important to read and study showmanship and presentation.

From the introduction by Park Shackleton:

It is now, thank goodness, many many years since I cared two hoots how a trick was done (i.e., the actual secret which is of no importance). I am only interested in how it is presented (which is of vital importance). ...

★★★★★ $7
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Stuart Cumberland
Marked for a Victim by Stuart Cumberland

A tale of modern black art. A thrilling story of love and mysticism.

In the Victorian age, spiritism and mysticism were big business. Therefore it is no surprise that a muscle reader like Stuart Cumberland tried to take advantage of it and wrote stories based on his experience as a 'thought reader'.

This story was also published under A Fatal Affinity: A Weird Story

1st edition 1889, 93 pages; PDF 116 pages.

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Gregg Webb & Doug McGeorge
Aether #6: Webb's Flurry by Gregg Webb & Doug McGeorge

David Roth was fooled when Gregg Webb showed him this smooth gallop of visual coin magic. Required are four matching ungimmicked coins. Also required is the ability to classic palm two coins, and release one.

1st edition 2021, PDF 1 page.

★★★★★ $4.95
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Ken Muller
Back in a Flash by Ken Muller

A multi-phase telepathy or telempathy routine that is unique, entertaining, and profound.

A volunteer selects several random objects on which to focus attention and memory. Sitting back-to-back with no possibility of visual cues of the objects or body language, the performer reveals glimpses of information received through mind-to-mind communication. There are multiple sensory events with different depth and clarity, always different in each presentation. The audience members are participants and not just observers and also serve as referees.

This is a stripped-down version of a routine...

★★★★★ $8
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A. H. Stafford
The Magician at the Bridge Table by A. H. Stafford

If you want to do more than just poker deals, consider adding this fascinating routine of bridge table magic to your act. This title has been long out of print, and now it's back and better than ever for a new generation of audiences and performers.

After a game of bridge, your audience is already in a card mood. That's the perfect time to introduce this compelling routine where one miracle flows seamlessly into the next.

From the introduction by Howard P. Albright

From the audience viewpoint, an entertaining series of skillful demonstrations; but from the magician's angle, an ingenious application of...

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Boyet Vargas
The Drawing Mystery by Boyet Vargas

The mentalist invites four spectators for a drawing experiment. Three of them are asked to draw while the fourth spectator acts as a medium between the mentalist and the other three spectators. The mentalist is able to identify the owner of the drawings, including the chosen drawing of the fourth spectator, and then finally, the mentalist demonstrates his skill in drawing duplication.

  • No force
  • No setup
  • No stooges
  • What the Spectator Experiences
  • The Secret
  • Background History
  • Breakdown of the Method
    • Props Needed
    • Marking the Cards
    • Card Orientation
    • Spectators' Roles ...
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Leopold Figner
Geheimnisse der Kartenkunst by Leopold Figner

Aus dem Vorwort:

Seit 50 Jahren ein ergebener Jünger der Magie, hatte ich im Laufe dieser Zeit Gelegenheit, vieles zu sehen, manches zu lernen und einiges selbst zu erfinden. Ich habe mich entschlossen, dieses seit einem halben Jahrhundert gesammelte Wissen zum Nutzen und Frommen der Anhänger dieser schönen Kunst niederzuschreiben.

Den hier vorliegenden Band habe ich den Karten gewidmet, jenem bunten Völkchen, welches, unbeschadet dem Wandel der Zeiten, sich die Gunst von alt und jung, von arm und reich erhalten hat, und für den Adepten der Magie stets eine unerschöpfliche Quelle...

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Renzo Grosso
Tarots and Arcana by Renzo Grosso

Honestly, I have not been able to trace the author of this principle, which I think is lost in the mists of time. My Master of Mentalism Valerio Bovolenta taught me, and I want to give credit to him. I have done nothing but study it and try to indicate a method to be able to propose it with any number of cards.

The procedure is very simple: the spectator chooses how many cards he wants to use, puts away the remaining cards (they will not be used further), shuffles the cards he chose and, on the instruction of the performer, chooses a number, looks at a card, and reassembles the deck; even...

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Maurice Fogel
Headline Hunter by Maurice Fogel

Fogel's original patter, presentation, handling, and routine are all here. It's an effect that helped take Fogel to the top. It can do so for you.

A trick that took Fogel into many newspaper headlines. This is Fogel's original creation. You walk into any room and ask any person present to collect a few different newspapers ... any type ... any date. Whilst this is being done you write a prediction on a slate, board, or piece of paper according to the conditions under which you are working. This prediction is left in the possession of a spectator. They now select one of the newspapers...

★★★★★ $10
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Ian Baxter
Paul Rosini's Discoveries by Ian Baxter

Paul Rosini was one of the all-time 20th Century greats of the magic world, with numerous contributions in print and a reputation that few have approached. His skill and charm guaranteed him a permanent niche in the pantheon of card magic.

In this exclusive manuscript, Ian Baxter offers up his handling of three Rosini favourites - The Peek Trick, Follow Your Card and Change In Hand. Once again Baxter turns his thoughts towards a touch of streamlining and simplifying, utilising the most basic of sleights to achieve the self-same effects that Rosini presented.

This trio is a game-changer...

★★★★★ $6
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Regardt Laubscher
The Ultimate 'You Do As I Do' by Regardt Laubscher

Two decks are shuffled by a spectator. His/Her choice who gets which deck. They each choose any card, and it will match. Don't be put off by the simplicity of the trick, as it can be repeated over and over again and still impress each time.

1st edition 2021, PDF 5 pages.

★★★★ $5
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Joseph B.
Against All Odds by Joseph B.

This is an effect that Joseph is very proud of. When this was released it fooled top card magicians because of its diabolical method. There really seems to be no explanation. The magician is able to find the card chosen by the spectator under extremely tight conditions. The performer always looks away and the deck will be completely shuffled by the spectator. All this with a normal deck of cards. Joseph has cleverly combined two known methods to create a strong routine.

  • A normal deck
  • No gimmick
  • No marked cards
  • No peek

video 23:43 s

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MP4 (video)

Renzo Grosso
The Magic Stone by Renzo Grosso

In many mentalistic effects, the spectator answers the performer's questions in a sincere way or not, without the performer knowing the choice made.

The concept of "lie or truth" makes the effect stronger and the idea that the illusionist guesses however reinforces the memory of an effect as an exceptional event, almost a miracle.

In the effect presented here, a further degree of freedom has been added: after the first response, the viewer can decide whether to maintain the same behavior (lie / truth) or if he prefers to change it.

In practice, the two answers can be LIE / LIE, TRUTH...

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