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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Jonathan H. Green
Gambling Exposed by Jonathan H. Green

Full exposition of all the various arts, mysteries, and miseries of gambling.

It is a complete exposure, of the different and various ways of deception and cheating in all the numerous games played, such as Faro, Two, Three, and Four-Handed Poker, Shuffling Cards, Roulette and Rolling Faro, Vingt-Un, Brag, Euchre, Game of Boston, All Fours, Cribbage, Whist, Dice, Stealing out Cards, Palming, Playing by Signs, Marking Cards, Backgammon, Solitaire, Playing Three against One, Spring Tables, Spring Boxes, Pulleys, Ingenuity of Gamblers, Card Manufactories, Lotteries, then modes of drawing and...

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Unknown Mentalist
Enigmatic Economies by Unknown Mentalist


This is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf. Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed, high quality, gloss laminated postcard sized (approx 4 inches x 6 inches) gimmick which supposedly is based on a United Nations report of 2020 on World Economic Prospects. With reasonable care, this card should last you many years.


  1. You invite a participant to take part in an interesting mind-reading demonstration.
  2. You use the provided gimmick to perform...
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gimmick & PDF

Jonathan H. Green
Games and Tricks with Cards by Jonathan H. Green

You will find here card tricks, cheating exposes, card games, and gambling stories.

A later expanded version of this book was published under the title Gamblers' Tricks With Cards Exposed and Explained.

  • Chapter I
    • Invention Of Cards
    • Mysterious Trick Of Thirty Six Cards; Telling The Card You Look At Without Seeing The Pack.
    • To Tell A Card Thought Of
    • Three Jacks As Thieves, Caught By A King As A Policeman
    • To Burn A Card And Fin'd It In A Watch
    • How To Shift Cards
    • The Four Associates
    • To Make A Card Jump Out Of The Pack
    • How To Change Cards To Pictures
  • Chapter II
    • All Fours
    • Deceptions Used In The Game Of All Fours
    • How To...
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Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall
Ireland's Year Book 1965 - 66 by Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall
  • Jack Gwynne
  • The Turn-Over Vanish
  • Houdini And Ponzi Gwynne
  • Penny - Thru
  • Tricky Farmer
  • Tips On Ball Handling
  • Severed Silk
  • Balloon Trix
  • The Safety Salesman
  • Following Directions
  • Jack Gwynne In U.S. O.
  • Linking Rings
  • Stock Market Manipulations
  • Banging The Bang Gun Around
  • "It's So Nice To Have A Ham Around The House"
  • When The Flag Goes By
  • The Invisible Match Box
  • "X Marks The Card!"
  • Bob Lewis' Top Hat Illusion
  • On The Establishment Of Comedy
  • Krazy Kumpass
  • Stronger Than Dirt
  • Beauty Of Magic
  • 93 Years Ago - A Lady Magician
  • Nun To Present Magic Shows At St. Vincent Festival Sunday ...
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Ken Muller
Ring Bind: Magic More Series by Ken Muller

A Linking Rings enhancement module for any set or routine (4"-12"). Can be used in a traditional approach starting with separate rings, or with Reverse Rings and the four linked at the start - or in the middle somewhere.

This can replace the standard Odin Count to show the four rings to be separate, with the added astonishment of penetrating the rope. With Reverse Rings, each ring penetrates both the other rings and the rope.

A set of four metal rings are displayed tied together with a double looped length of cord or ribbon tied in a bow. This cord is untied with a demonstration of the secure binding....

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NEMCA: New England Magic Collectors Association
NEMCA Newsletter Volume 1 Number 2 (April - June 2022) by NEMCA: New England Magic Collectors Association
  • Welcome From the President
  • Name Our Newsletter Contest
  • Upcoming Events
  • Interview with Steve Cohen
  • Volunteers Needed
  • Past Events
  • Member Spotlight
  • Magic Collectors Expo 2022 Review
  • Classified Ads

1st edition 2022, PDF 37 pages.

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Hanns Friedrich
Kartenzauber ohne Fingerfertigkeit by Hanns Friedrich

Eine wunderbar geschriebene Einführung in die Zauberkunst mit Karten von der sich selbst der Erfahrene Präsentationsideen abschauen kann.

Aus der Einleitung:

Mit einem gewöhnlichen Kartenspiel von zweiunddreißig Blatt, ohne Bühne und ohne Vorbereitung, kann man jede anspruchsvolle Gesellschaft reizvoll und elegant unterhalten. Dies zu zeigen, bestimmte die Methode dieses Buches, das sich vor allem an problemfreudige Menschen wendet.

Die Kunst, mit Karten umzugehen, ist ein geistreiches Spiel von überdurchschnittlichem Geselligkeitswert. Diese Zeilen sind geschrieben nicht so sehr...

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Under Water Box Escape by Supreme-Magic-Company

One of the great publicity stunts. The box may be made by a local concern and placed on display for examination before being used. The magician is tied with a length of rope, placed in the box, and a committee is allowed to fasten the lid with either screws or nails. Nails may be driven into any part of the box. The box is lowered into the water and almost immediately magician is seen emerging from the water at some distance from the box. After he has been identified he sinks from view. The box is raised from the water, the lid removed, and out steps the magician.

PDF 4 pages.

★★★★★ $7
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Vincent "Vinny" Boyar
Ghostly Seconds by Vincent "Vinny" Boyar

A version of a strike-second deal that the author calls the "shutter" method, referring to the shutter of a camera.

This version could be easier for some to perform than a classic strike-second because the coordination of the thumbs is built into the method itself. While the author claims that his method is practically self-working, there is some amount of practice necessary to acquire the knack. Still, his discovery has earned the praise of top-flight card experts, who have called it perfect in action and imperceptible to the keenest observer.

The second deal is an indispensable sleight...

★★★★★ $6
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Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1951 by Laurie Ireland
  • O'day's Fried Egg
  • Mysterious Cigarette And Match Production
  • A Spooky Spots Finish
  • Second Portfolio Of Tricks
    • Ambitious Card Routine
    • 54 Card Trick
    • Your Card!
    • Dime, Penny And Bottle Cap
    • Obedient Cigarette
    • The Flying Match
    • Anti-Gravity Match
    • Pull Thru Matches
    • Flying Ink
    • Wine, Milk And Ink
    • Vanishing Lapel Flower
    • Pistol And Silk
    • The Amazing Ladies' Slipper
    • Chinese Pop Bottle
    • Crystal Flower Ladder
  • A Sticky Idea
  • E Z Magazine Test
  • Classified
  • Funny Cigar Gag
  • Tricky Telepathy
  • Flash Dollar Bill Change
  • The Mike Zen’s Card Act
  • A Pack Of Lies
  • The Sands Of Time
  • The Derelict ...
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Unknown Mentalist
Impossible Number Divination Instantly Anywhere by Unknown Mentalist


This is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf. Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 4 specially designed, high quality, gloss laminated postcard sized (about 4 inches x 6 inches) gimmicks which seemingly contain 'psychological tests' on both sides of the cards on how colors and numbers are perceived by the human brain. With reasonable care, this set of cards should last you many years.


  1. You invite a participant to take part in an interesting demonstration. ...
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gimmick & PDF

Brian T. Lees
Recurring Performances by Brian T. Lees

The advantage of recurring/repeat performances and how to market yourself for them.

  • Identifying the recurring performance need
  • The basic approach
  • Timing
  • Pricing
  • Personalizing the show to the entity/sponsor
  • Suggested businesses and entities to contact
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2022, PDF 19 pages.

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Mark Cahill
High Noon by Mark Cahill

There are so many possibilities with a stacked deck, or better yet, "Impossibilities." That's because these decks look regular but what you can do with them quite casually can appear incredible. It's an old stack that's still worth its salt is, "The Si Stebbins Stack." It's sorta the granddaddy of this kind of amazing card magic. And it has a mathematical build to it that allows for a variety of other approaches as to magically finding a selected card and or knowing where or what a card is as to its position. This effect is a refreshing and fun way I found to make a bit more magic happen...

★★★★★ $5
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Mystic Alexandre
A Sweet and Simple Swindle by Mystic Alexandre

Mr. T is an underground gambler, the man who wrote the Pro Guide to the Lucky Log, and the exclusive manual for "Bingo Bango". Now he brings you A Sweet and Simple Swindle. Two of them actually, because the PDF includes an additional bonus swindle with playing cards.

Both dead easy to do, no sleight of hand, no complicated tactics, just a sweet advantage to you, where the mark will believe they have the better of you all along. No marked cards or anything of the sort, both of these use a regular deck of playing cards that can be borrowed, so easy a kid could take advantage of this ... if...

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Hal Saxon
The Pepper In and Salt Out Magic Trick by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning the Pepper In and Salt Out Transformation and Vanish. This trick or effect is designed for beginner to advanced magicians. You will learn moves and handling that will serve you very well in dozens of other effects. There are several twists and turns that are very uncommon and not found in the normal salt/pepper shaker routines seen in the magic universe today.

Four things make this effect very special.

  1. Spectator Involvement. The spectator pours pepper from a pepper shaker into the closed fist of the magician.
  2. The...
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Burling Hull
Nine Great Card Tricks by Burling Hull

Most tricks explained require a double backer, sometimes the same back double-backer, sometimes a different back double-backer.

  • Introductory
  • The Two Fold Miracle
  • Insto-Transpo!
  • The Startling Stop!
  • The Double Force
  • Double Comedy Relief
  • "Satan Behind You"
  • Chameleon Backs
  • Remote Control
  • False Faces

1st edition 1933, 8 pages; PDF 14 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Ottokar Fischer
Aus Eins mach Zehn ... by Ottokar Fischer

Aus dem Vorwort:

Aus Eins mach' Zehn...! Als ich wieder einmal über den tiefen Sinn des Hexen-Einmaleins nachdachte, kam mir die nun schon lange zurückliegende Zeit in den Sinn, als ich selbst noch zauberte. Und es wandelte mich die Lust an, aus meiner Praxis und meiner Werkstatt zu plaudern, denn nicht bloß dem Mimen, auch dem Zauberkünstler flicht die Nachwelt keine Kränze. Und was mir, dem Rückblickenden, in den Sinn kam, legte ich in diesen Blättern nieder. Der Leser möge darin keine Schilderungen abenteuerlicher Künstlerfahrten oder merkwürdiger Erlebnisse erwarten. Meine...

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Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer
Hofzinser Zauberkünste by Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer

Die Bücher über Johann Nepomuk Hofzinsers Kunststücke sind Ottokar Fischers Lebensvermächtnis. In akribischer Arbeit über viele Jahre hat Fischer die Orignalvorträge, Erklärungen, und Originalrequisiten zusammengetragen und alles im Detail, soweit es rekonstruierbar war aufgeschrieben. Ohne Ottokar Fischer wüssten wir sehr wenig über Hofzinser weil er zum Großteil in privaten Kreisen aufgetreten ist.

Dieses Ebuch beschreibt mehr als 80 von Hofzinser kreierte Effekte mit mehr als 100 Fotos und Illustrationen. Die meisten Effekte wurden für den Einsatz in Hofzinsers Salon unter...

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Oscar Hugo
Magi Card System by Oscar Hugo

A comprehensive treatise devoted to a brilliant cyclical stack system for professional magicians and mentalists.

This ebook covers the topic in great detail, including ten lessons for learning the system, plus how to use the Magi System to its utmost, including clever false cuts and shuffles that'll hide the fact that a setup is used at all. Also included are mechanical methods that can optionally be combined with the Magi System to make it even better.

The ebook contains a mix of effects that are easy to do and ones that take some skill. All are explained in an easy-to-follow manner,...

★★★★ $15
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Snibbets by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

An easy-to-calculate version of the Si Stebbins stack.

The name 'Snibbets' (Stebbins reversed) was coined by Rusduck. It denotes a reversed Si Stebbins stack where instead of adding 3 to get to the next card's value one substracts 3. The first to publish a negative step version was Ernest Hammond in The Magic of Tomorrow. While this may seem a rather inconsequential change, it has some advantages over the classic Si Stebbins stack. In this ebook, Dr. Solka takes you through the details of this lesser-known version of Si Stebbins.

1st edition 2022, PDF 19 pages.

★★★★★ $9.90
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H. C. Mole & Arthur Charles P. Medrington & Ernest Hammond
The Magic of Tomorrow by H. C. Mole & Arthur Charles P. Medrington & Ernest Hammond

From the Foreword by David Devant:

Having read the proofs of some of the items in this book, I am eager to read the rest and add the completed volume to my bookcase.

  • A Foreword
  • "Ladies & Gentlemen"
  • Natural Selection
  • Shuffle For Arranged Pack
  • Aerial Treasury Up-to-Date
  • The Celebrity Trick
  • Thought Control
  • A Card Location Idea
  • A Fruity Experiment
  • A Use For The Charlier Pass
  • A Special Table & Suggestions therewith
  • Chameleon Balls and Water
  • False Shuffle For Arranged Pack
  • A New Precipitation of Cards
  • A Black Art Chair
  • The Dictionary Trick
  • Hammond's Method for Arranged Pack of Cards ...
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Arthur Charles P. Medrington
A Dozen of Magic by Arthur Charles P. Medrington

  • I. The Bones of Contention
  • II. A Lesson in Deception
  • III. Name Your Choice
  • IV. One Handed Magic
  • V. A Promising Pupil
  • VI. The Wicked Wizard and the Perplexed Parson
  • VII. All Smoke
  • VIII. The Rude Spirit
  • IX. Inexplicable Precipation
  • X. The Zancig Cards
  • XI. A Mix Up
  • XII. Dressing Dolly
  • XIII. Make Weight

1st edition 1917, 32 pages; PDF 29 pages.

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Joseph B.
Kpyto by Joseph B.

A new method to learn the identity of three (could be less, and could also be more) truly freely selected cards from a borrowed shuffled deck.

A real weapon that can also be used in other routines. A powerful effect and a fooler not only for layman but also for magicians. The magician is able to reveal the identity of three cards randomly taken by the spectator under impossible conditions. This method is unbelievable and diabolic at the same time. Everything with a borrowed shuffled deck. The magician always looks away.

  • no switch
  • no palm
  • no mirror or shiner
  • no doubles
  • no crimp ...
★★★ $9
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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
Cell Phone Premonition by Devin Knight

Directly from Devin's show ... if you like effects that can leave an audience in stunned silence, then this is for you.

Telephone tricks were not very practical in the older days, as you had to have a land-line at your shows. Nowadays, almost everyone has a cell phone, so it's easy to do mind-boggling feats at any show. This is direct from my show and is baffling beyond words.

Magician writes on three index cards and hands them to three different people in the audience. These are random people and are not plants. The three people can see what's on the cards, but are asked to not show...

★★★★★ $10
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