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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Zaw Shinn
Straw by Zaw Shinn

Vanish a plastic drinking straw.

The vanish is accomplished with a pull. The details of the hookup and presentation are taught in the video.

1st edition 2023, video 10 min.

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MP4 (video)

Mentalism from A to Z by Giochidimagia

The title sums up the spirit of the guide, in fact with this eBook the purpose was precisely to give an overview of the art of mentalism, talking about the techniques used, psychology, cold reading and much more, not getting lost in descriptions of details that only the individual performer can and must necessarily learn and refine by trying and trying again.

For this reason, no room has been given to the presentations. It seems a paradox not to mention the presence of an illusionistic effect when this is probably more than 90 percent of the effect itself, but, as said little, the presentation...

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Graziano Roversi
Colorare la magia by Graziano Roversi

Effetti di magia per bambini, metodi e presentazione

Graziano Roversi, in arte “Zio Pota” , artista intrattenitore dalla grande esperienza con questo libro condivide con te i particolari che rendono efficace una performance. In particolare in questo libro viene trattata la magia per bambini.

Un prestigiatore può controllare l’attenzione di un adulto semplicemente guardandolo negli occhi ma con un bambino non basta. I prestigiatori sanno bene che i bambini sono un pubblico molto difficile.

Graziano Roversi ti insegna come coinvolgere il pubblico di bambini e genitori, trasforma...

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Emiliano Moroni
Cabaret per viver meglio by Emiliano Moroni

Come lo scriver battute può cambiarti la vita

L’autore Emiliano Moroni, formatore esperto in meditazione, yoga, shamanesimo e costellazioni familiari mette a tua disposizione la sua esperienza maturata anche nei villaggi turistici dove ha lavorato per diversi anni, in un libro umoristico ma che ha anche forte valore in un percorso individuale di crescita personale.

Come sempre Emiliano non tralascia il lato pratico e tratta in questo libro anche la tecnica e da indicazioni preziose su come si può sperimentare nella disciplina del cabaret. Le parole di Emiliano descrivono benissimo...

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Marco Antuzi
Assertività, Meta-modello e Comunicazione Suggestiva by Marco Antuzi

Guida pratica alle tecniche di Comunicazione più Efficaci

Ogni volta che decido l’argomento da trattare nel mio nuovo ebook cerco di farlo seguendo una semplice regola: Proporre al pubblico qualcosa di nuovo e di utile.

Avevo in mente questo libro da diverso tempo, un libro in cui sintetizzare tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sulla comunicazione.

Immagina un libro dove poter trovare la versione più moderna del meta-modello (uno dei modelli più famosi sulla comunicazione efficace tratti dalla Programmazione Neuro Linguistica), tecniche di ipnosi conversazionale e la nota e apprezzatissima...

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Giuseppe Stanca
Aperitivo con il mago by Giuseppe Stanca

Giochi di prestigio e scommesse

Confesso che leggendo questo delizioso manuale di giochi di prestigio non ho fatto altro che muovere ripetutamente la testa da destra a sinistra pensando: ah, se lo avessi avuto tra le mani ai miei esordi… avrei perfezionato più velocemente l’arte della prestidigitazione.

Il libro aperitivo con il mago rivolto ai principianti e appassionati di magia, contiene informazioni ed esperienze vissute, grazie al supporto culturale del suo autore Paladino, ottimo e poliedrico prestigiatore conosciuto a livello internazionale che non esita a trasmettere fra le...

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Jacopo Furci & Simone Bianco
Aerei di carta by Jacopo Furci & Simone Bianco

Guida pratica alla costruzione di aerei di carta.

Esistono passioni alle quali è difficile avvicinarsi in quanto talvolta poco conosciute e proprio per questo è difficile trovare chi le può insegnare e trovare materiale che ci aiuti ad imparare in modo semplice e divertente.

Questo ebook scritto da Jacorpo Furci e Simone Bianco, due veri appassionati dell’arte di costruire aerei di carta va incontro proprio all’esigenza degli appassionati di imparare autonomamente a realizzare tanti stupendi aerei di carta divertendosi e ottenendo un oggetto che può essere collezionato, usato per...

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Mark Stone
Lightning Peek by Mark Stone

A bit of sleight-of-hand that is usually used for playing cards is used here to effect a very simple and bold peek for business cards.

Experience the power of Lightning Peek. With this incredible magic trick, you'll be able to astound your audience with your psychic abilities. Simply have a spectator draw or think of something on a business card, then place it in the middle of a stack of business cards. You'll be able to accurately reveal the secret thought while the spectator holds the business card stack.

  • Lightning fast
  • Full card peek
  • No gimmicks or DIY arts and crafts
  • Business cards...
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Unknown Mentalist
Past Life Prediction by Unknown Mentalist

Past Life Prediction is a very unusual effect. Whether you or your audiences believe in the concept of past life or not, you can either perform this as a serious effect or a fun routine. This is totally propless. This is interesting. This is fun. And this is very impressive. Your participant will be left with an unforgettable experience.

You meet an utter stranger and directly tell him about your intuition by giving a few concrete bits of information about his past life. And you will then go on to present him solid proof of that past life information which will totally convince him. He...

★★★★ $9
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David Britland
Trick Card Trickery by David Britland

Clever tricks with standard gaffed cards such as double backers, blank faced, etc.

Excerpt from the introduction:

You will find that the effects obtained through the use of fake cards can be quite incredible when some sleight-of-hand or subtlety is also used. False counts play a large part in the effects.

  • Introduction
  • The Elmsley Count
  • The Jordan Count
  • The Experimental Elmsley Count
  • Instant Printing
  • Supersonic Joker
  • An Oddity!
  • Turncoat
  • ’simpossible
  • Notes

1st edition 1978, 16 pages; PDF 20 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Sam Dalal
Sam's Scrapbook 1 by Sam Dalal

This "Scrapbook" is a small, haphazard collection of some of my contributions to the Art of Magic, over the past 50 years. Since the late 1960's I have contributed hundreds of my ideas to over a dozen national and international magic magazines, run a magician's service producing over 2000 magic items, (some hundreds of which were my own creations and which sold over a million Dollars worth a year around the world at one time), and for which I wrote over 2000 "instruction sheets." Many of these instructions had "ideas" for the use of the props that enabled our customers to get the maximum mileage...

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Aldo Colombini
UK Lecture Notes 2002 by Aldo Colombini

Excerpt from the introduction:

In this set of notes you will find several tricks and routines that have served me well during the last few years as a stand-up performer. In fact, almost all the tricks explained here can be done standing up as no table is required and are great for walk around or strolling magic. Done this way you simply use the hands of the spectators to help you.

I have written these tricks and routines with the assumption that you already know some basic magic such as a card control, an Elmsley Count and the like. My purpose here is not to teach you 'sleights' but rather...

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Edward Marlo
Deck Deception by Edward Marlo

A potpourri of great Marlo tricks.

All kinds of magic good for close-up or parlor, comedy or drama, technique or presentation. Excerpt from the conclusion:

We'd like to call your attention to the fact that we have given you a fine variety of card material. Four card discoveries that are novel and off the beaten path, especially the Divining Hanky. For the fellow who has a speck of larceny in his soul, we gave away our pet - a system of culling and stacking - to be used, of course, for entertainment purposes only.

Another tidbit was a flourish that was easy to do. The remaining five...

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Mark Leveridge
Hanky Juggling by Mark Leveridge

This is a wonderful participation routine for children's entertainers using the simplest of props - a wand, a silk, and an unprepared bag. Two children come up to assist. A silk is made invisible and handed to one child, while the second helper examines and then holds onto a bag. The invisible silk is 'blown' up into the air, caught on the end of the magic wand, which is then used to flick it over to the child holding the bag. The silk is supposed to now be inside the bag, but the child holding the bag seems to be unable to find it inside. Realising that the silk must still be invisible, the...

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Sultan Orazaly
Elusive by Sultan Orazaly

Ring effects are visual and beautiful. Introducing an ultra-visual illusion. The finger ring jumps from finger to finger as if it were alive. The effect that deceived hundreds of spectators and magicians will always be at your fingertips.

Supplies may need to be purchased to perform this effect but many magicians will have everything at home. There is no construction or arts and crafts necessary, it is as simple as putting the necessary items together.

1st edition 2023, video 5:56.

★★★★★ $9.95
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MP4 (video)

Scott Baird
The Hermit Magazine Vol. 2 No. 3 (March 2023) by Scott Baird

Volume 2, No. 3: March 2023, 48 pgs.

The 15th issue of The Hermit Magazine is a TAKEOVER issue by Bigblindmedia, and features magic and articles from their roster of impressive magical minds, including:

    • Cardnection / Cameron Francis: Both spectators select the same card. An excellent coincidence effect that uses a Simon Aronson move to great effect!
    • Blind Pebble Ace Fling / John Bannon: The legendary John Bannon contributes his take on Richard Sanders' Ace Thing, with a couple of clever moments of surprise.
    • KaDribble Change / Biz: A colour change done in the open, in the action of a dribble.
    • Magician's...
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Paul Curry
Special Effects by Paul Curry

Intelligent and creative card magic of the highest caliber.

Excerpt from the introduction:

Anyone going to press with a book "new" tricks should have the good grace to concede, if only momentarily, that he may be placing himself in the category of the mad scientist who spent his time developing cures for which there were no diseases. It’s hard to win points against the argument that a new idea should fill a need, that invention should follow necessity. Yet the disregard of such orderly logic seems, in the long run, to produce some of the best results. Many of the good things in magic,...

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Mystic Alexandre
Miss Amber's Psychic Message by Mystic Alexandre

This is a casual, mysterious presentation, as you'll meet someone, engage in conversation, then suddenly pause, as if connecting on a mysterious, metaphysical level.

What happened is you met a traveling psychic named Miss Amber, and she gave you something, a "gift" to be delivered, an audio message, with the clear instruction to give this to someone you'll meet with in the near future, who you feel, on a metaphysical level, this "gift" is intended for.

You will get their contact info, which is valuable for working performers or readers, and you send them this "gift" reading, which...

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Unknown Mentalist
Epitome by Unknown Mentalist

Like a book test on a postcard.

Epitome is like a book test on a postcard. The theme here is "Greatest Books of All Time". The card supplied to you contains a list of some of the world's greatest books and other related content. The card supplied is about postcard size and can be comfortably carried in your pocket.

You can perform about 15 different effects using the card. And the effects use various combinations of different principles. You do not need any physical books to perform these effects. In fact, you do not need any other props except the card supplied. But this is not for rank...

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gimmick & PDF

Magic Selection by Pavel

These are the Pavel 1990 lecture notes.

  • Utility Pull
  • The Enchanted Mirror
  • Color Bet
  • Quadsilx
  • Silks From Silk
  • Sucker Blendo
  • The Yellow Rope
  • Jumping Knots
  • Silks & Rings
  • Card Paper Tear
  • New Silken Balls
  • Sucker Ribbons
  • The Universal Rope
  • Krazy Knot

1st edition 1990, 26 pages; PDF 35 pages.

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Will Blyth
How to become a Conjurer by Will Blyth

This work is primarily intended for those who are seeking to master the art of entertaining by magic, but who are quite ignorant of the rudiments of conjuring.

The first section, although dealing with conjuring books in general, is intended to indicate to the reader how to read this volume so that he may profit from the matter contained in the various sections.

Sections Two, Three, and Four give full instructions on the use of the appliances, appurtenances, and sleights of conjuring. Therein are described the elementary principles and appliances of the art of conjuring which must be...

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31 Days to Mentalism by Giochidimagia

It has been a few years since the publication of Modern Mentalism with its 3 Volumes and little time since the publication of Mentalism from A to Z. In these volumes, techniques, psychology, tricks, ethics and much more have been explained about the world of mentalism. This world is always immense as a heritage of creativity for which I wanted to publish this new guide with a different approach: not to mention particular techniques but making available to the reader only tricks of mentalism to be carried out immediately.

The aim is to create a real practical repertoire, to be performed...

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Graham Hey
The Billionaire Box by Graham Hey

A collection of 4 self-working gems plus a few visual gags to use in close-up or stand up.

Includes: The Billionaire Box

Four envelopes - each contains a key. Only one will open a locked box on the table. The envelopes are mixed-up by a helper. Then three members of the audience freely pick an envelope and try their key in the lock. None of them work. Your envelope is the only one left ... you open it, remove the key and it opens the lock! You get to keep the keys to your Porsche.

This is completely self-working and is great for stand-up or close-up for small groups, like a table at...

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Mark Leveridge
Beating the Odds by Mark Leveridge

A deck of cards becomes a stable of 52 horses. The horses are shuffled by a spectator and the deck is placed down. The performer then writes down the name of one of the horses on a pad and places it sight unseen in view on the table. This is a prediction of a horse that he believes will win an imaginary race in a few moments time.

Spreading the deck, a spectator is invited to touch one at a time completely at random seven horses. These are removed and held in a pile. He then selects any number from one to seven. Using the chosen number, horses are eliminated in the pile one by one until...

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MP4 (video)

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