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Murder Most Foul
by Paul Voodini


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Murder Most Foul by Paul Voodini

A collection of two horrific and murderous routines, ideal for a wind-swept night of parlour entertainment.

Psychic Cluedo (Psychic Clue).

Become a psychic detective. Utilising a well-known board game, the mystery entertainer takes his guests on a journey of psychic discovery. A murder has been committed. One of your guests knows who it is, where the murder took place, and the weapon that was used to commit the foul act. Can any of your guests work it out using their own as yet untapped psychic powers? While your guests discuss notes, you enter a trance like state and emerge from the psychic realm with the information required to nail the killer!

The Whitechapel Messiah.

Travel back in time to a fog shrouded London of 1888. Jack the Ripper is on the loose and the police seem powerless to stop him! Using pseudo-hypnotic techniques and props that are readily available to all magicians and mentalists (a thumb tip for example) you send a guest on the journey of a life time! Your guests will travel back thru time to the blood soaked cobblestones of old London town. They will discover the body of one of Jack's victims, they will hear the police whistles crying thru the fog, they will see the crowds appear at the murder scene, and then they will return safely back to the 21st Century. But wait! They've brought something back with them! A blood stained relic of their journey to prove that this was no trick of the imagination - they were actually there!

Please note that the two routines contained in this ebook were originally available in a compilation entitled Five Fickle Fingers of Fate, which is no longer available.

1st edition 2009; 12 pages.
word count: 3921 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text